That magical time of the year is almost upon us once again. In less than 3 weeks, gamers in large numbers (including an unprecedented amount of the Critical Hits crew, past and present) will be descending upon Indianapolis for GenCon. Like previous years, I expect to find out about the next year’s big releases, play new games, meet awesome people, spend too much money in the dealer’s hall, have trouble finding vegetarian cuisine, and get really drunk while talking game design.
But for those of you without tickets to GenCon, whether because you haven’t bought them but could go or because you can’t go at all, we offer the following multi-part contest. Choose the one that best fits your situation:
I Want A Ticket To Go To GenCon
Post here in comments (or on Facebook or Twitter) how you’ll promote the cause of gaming if you get a ticket to GenCon. We’ll select our two favorite answers and give them each a free full badge to GenCon, provided courtesy of Wizards of the Coast.
Your comment should take the form of: “I want a ticket to go to GenCon because…” and then give your answer. Winners will be selected on July 23rd.
I Can’t Go To GenCon
For those of you who can’t go to GenCon at all, no way, no how, we offer the following consolation. Post here in comments (or on Facebook or Twitter) what you’ll be doing instead of going to GenCon. One winner chosen at random will receive the following PDFs provided courtesy of DriveThruRPG:
- Paths of Power
- Spycraft: Real American
- Dragon Warriors RPG
- Squadron UK Superhero RPG
- Fellowship of the White Star Campaign Book
Your comment should take the form of “I can’t go to GenCon because…” and then give your answer. Winner will be drawn on July 23rd. You must have a DriveThruRPG/RPG Now account (they’re free!) to win.
I Have A Ticket And I’m Going To GenCon
Well, that’s something of a prize in and of itself, isn’t it? But for those of you who will be joining us there, we’ll be running at least one contest while at the convention for those of you who we run into. No need to post to win, but feel free to tell us if you are coming! Exact details to be announced during the convention itself.
Please, only one entry per person into any part of this contest. Entrants may be disqualified at our sole discretion. This contest is not officially endorsed by GenCon LLC in any way.
Hope to see many of you there, and if not, hope you’re doing something fun.
I can’t go to GenCon because… they cancelled it ( 🙁
I can’t go to GenCon because… I didn’t set aside the time or funds needed to make it there. I’ll probably go to the World Boardgaming Championship in Lancaster, PA instead because I can just pop in there for the weekend.
I can’t go to GenCon because… I’m going to my future brother-in-law’s wedding 🙂
I can’t go to GenCon because I’ll be treating my parents to one last fix of the grandkids before school starts again. Well, that and it’s far and I don’t have money. :p
I have a ticket (in fact several if you count all the event tickets) and I am going to GenCon.
What I won’t have is much in the way of internet access while I’m there. So if you could possibly post the information about the on-site contest on Wednesday, that would be splendid.
I want a ticket to go to GenCon because I need to go there and promote the cause of gaming by proving that I’m your biggest fan!
I can’t go to GenCon because it falls at the beginning of the school year, and as a school employee it would be a bad time to be taking time off. When not working I’ll be combing the Internet for snippets of information from the convention. Looking for podcasts, tweets, blog entries, and pictures whereever I might find them. Like last year I’ll probably post one or more blog posts pointing others to the things I find so that they too can enjoy Virtual GenCon.
I will not be going to GenCon because I will be continuing the search for a job and trying to figure out how to pay our bills with only my wife’s income. But on the up side I will also hopefully be getting the gaming group I was just invited to join going on some Pathfinder gaming goodness.
I can’t go to GenCon because I’m out of vacation time and money. But I will be following coverage online and hope to go next year!
Not going to GenCon because you didn’t invite me!!!
Seriously, I would like to go. PRETTY PLEASE! :-)))
*repeating the dark ritual I was performing before each dice roll when we played GURPS, way back then, which almost always resulted in a CRITICAL SUCCESS roll !* mwahaha!
I can’t go to GenCon this year because I don’t have the money….. well I did…. but my hunny and I are going to Vegas (first time ever for me) instead to celebrate our two year anniversary and my 40th birthday by going to a Blue October concert! (whether I win or not doesn’t matter, I just wanted to tell everyone I’m going to Vegas!) But the weekend of GenCon I will be gaming with my group for sure, play testing my next published adventure, but I will be wishing I was there will all the other lucky gamers!
I Have A Ticket And I’m Going To GenCon
(See the space in the middle? Per Peter Adkison that is required)
I have worked Gen Con since the last year in Milwaukee and I am doing that again this year. The problems is I have YET to play even one game at Gen Con of any kind and that’s sad but I still have fun.
If your going drop by the Info booth main exhibit hall entrance and ask for @RPGdonts or @Dagbar
I can’t go to GenCon because they keep scheduling it too close to my wedding anniversary and my daughter’s birthday.
I want a ticket to go to GenCon so I can take my 7 year old daughter – kids get in free! The gaming world needs new young fans, and GenCon is the perfect place to fuel her imagination for years to come. It would be a great road trip for the two of us.
I can’t go to Gen Con because I’ll be both trying to secure a high school teaching job for next August and (for Thursday and Friday) playing stay-at-home dad to my 4.5 year old son and 4-month old daughter. He’s getting pretty good at Coloretto, though.
I can’t go to gen con because… I will be here opening a residence hall for my University’s next academic year. But, I will get the chance to to train our Resident Assistants how to celebrate diversity and that includes gamer culture. My building theme is True Life: I’m a gamer which will totally help me create a gamer club (board, tabletop, whatever) here in my building and then spread it from there.
Rep-ping gamer fun at the college level, oh yeah
I want a ticket to go to GenCon to continue my life long quest to “corrupt” the young minds of our Nation into believing D&D is NOT the “Devils” work! Will you help this crusader save the day for “Christs” sake?
i want to go to to GenCon because frequently my people gather to share stories and regale one another with tales of their cunning and prowess on the battlefield of life. despite my 22 winters on this plane, i have yet to gather great stories of glory and honor of my own. i believe that GenCon holds these stories and tales that i so desperately desire. please let me go back to my people as a hero.
Reading your comment about vegetarian food in Indy, I’m vegan and find some pretty decent fare every year at GenCon. There’s a wild oats semi nearby down the street.
Here are some vegetarian friendly places too:
I can’t go to GenCon because I will still be at the Pennsic War that weekend. I’ll miss rolling the dice, but at least I will still get to bash some heads, up close and personal-like.
I’m not going to Gencon because for the second freaking year in a row it conflicts with my work convention! Last year in Vegas and this year in New Orleans, but neither experience will be sweet because I’ll be missing my dear dear gencon, in my current hometown no less, 10 days after my wedding…
I can’t go to Gen Con because… I used up all my vacation on a trans-Atlantic cruise! I am definitely missing the cons this year. 🙁
I can’t go to Gen Con because…Hulk too broke. Hulk not like job. Hulk SMASH job. Now Hulk not like line in unemployment office. Hulk sad.
I have a ticket for GenCon and I am going to GenCon. This will be the first year I have been able to go, in my 31 years of gaming! I’m quite excited about it! =)