A while back, we asked about getting lost. I mean, getting Lost, and its ending. While most of you (44%) didn’t watch Lost and don’t plan to, 16% of respondents did watch it and loved it. 14% also like it but had some issues with it. The meh among you held the minority opinion.
This week sees me once again off to the Origins Game Fair, one of the big shows of the summer for us nerdily inclined. Origins still remains the smaller, slower show for me- while there are some board game releases occasionally and some interesting small press stuff, all the major releases and announcements tend to wait for one of the later shows, especially GenCon. However, there’s still fun times to be had. While there doesn’t seem to be anything as epic as last year’s Ultimate Dungeon Delve, I’m still looking forward to checking out the Evil Hat demos and swinging by to see what Buchephalus is up to, and of course, seeing old friends and new.
The question before you is thus, answer well:[poll id=”164″]
If you’re attending one or more of these shows, sound off!
San Diego will be my first convention, unless the mother of my wife’s son says otherwise.
Yeah, it’s like that.
The big American cons are a bit far, but I will be at the two big South African Cons – Icon and Dragonfire
Going to Origins and hopefully going to GenCon this year. Origins will be my first gamer con (I’ve been to dozens of Horror/Exploitation film cons, though). I’m not doing any planning. Just showing up and seeing what’s there. Just paying the $5 exhibit hall fee to see if this is something I want to invest more into in the future.
Gen Con and Pax East are my ‘must go’ cons for sure.
I’ll be at the Toronto Fan Expo as a Gaming Guest this year.
Ever since moving to Atlanta in 2006, Dragon*Con has been a staple for my wife and I. I’ve been gaming since 1979, but this year will be the first year I’m able to make it to GenCon. I’m really looking forward to it.
When I lived in Toronto, the Toronto Fan Expo was the big one we attended. That was pretty much it.