As the day gets longer and the weather gets warmer, we turned our attention to the summer movies that will soon grab our thoughts (and dollars.) Most of you (84%) want to see Tony Stark suit up again in Iron Man 2. 2nd place went to Kick-Ass which is currently in theaters. 3rd place went to The Last Airbender (which you might know as the movie adaptation of Avatar: The Last Airbender, but they’re not allowed to use that word in movies anymore.) Jonah Hex and The Losers, both adaptations of non-superhero comics, came in last.
This weekend held one of the few must-see TV events for me: the premiere of the new season (or to some, new series) of Doctor Who here in the US. When reviewing the RPG, I mentioned how much of a fan of the more recent episodes I am. I thought David Tennant did a fantastic job, and was sad to see him go. However, I was still looking forward to seeing what the new guy would bring to the job. Despite my hesitation of a Doctor younger than I am, I was impressed, and I’m looking forward to the new episodes, especially if they follow up on some of the questions raised by Tennant’s last episode.
I suppose my question is pretty straightforward then: did anyone join me in the watching? What did you think?
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I’ve been grabbing the episodes from the BBC, so I’m a few episodes ahead. I am really digging the new doctor and the new companion. I can’t wait to see him really developer his version of the character.
Ah Australia, still part of the british commonwealth but still so far behind in good BBC TV. We get the new Dr. this weekend. Looking forward to it. However i don’t envy anyone who has to follow David Tennants shows!
.-= Scott Wallace´s last blog ..Inq. of the Week: Doctor… Who? =-.
I bought Matt Smith as the Doctor from the first second on – something I’ve never done before – and I’ve been watching regenerations since Pertwee/Baker. The young punk makes an great Doctor.
My son and I just watched the third episode of the season last weekend – and this was the first time my son had seen the Daleks. He was completely amazed and they have hooked another kid into the Doctor Who family.
Admittedly, a couple of times I’ve had to remind myself not to listen to that little voice in my head that says ‘Dear Lord this is stupid,’ but if you can shut that voice up and pretend you are a nine year old again, it’s completely and utterly super awesome. 🙂
I think Matt Smith + Amy Pond is a stunningly good combination, and long may it last! He’s a worthy successor to David Tennant, and I’m already looking forward to the next series when he really steps out of David’s shadow and comes into his own.
Yeah, I approve 😀
.-= greywulf´s last blog ..Victory of the Daleks, a review =-.
I haven’t watched it yet, but it’s on my tivo! I just re-watched the the “End of Time” finale to try and get myself in the proper mood to check out the new Doctor, and from other’s comments here, I am at least hopeful I won’t be disappointed. Filling Mr. Tennant’s shoes is no mean feat!
.-= Neuroglyph´s last blog ..Review of Kobold Quarterly #13 Spring 2010 =-.
Watched this with my wife and son. I too have been watching The Doctor since Jon Petwee was in the role and I’ve been hooked ever since.
While I was a long time fan of Tom Baker – I think David Tennant has taken over that spot as my favoriate Doctor with his consistently high energy performances. If Matt Smith continues to dazzle me the way he did in “The Eleventh Hour” than he may soon steal that away from Doctor # 10.
With us watching old episodes on Netflix, I’ll soon have the entire house of 6 suckered in and watching.
Finally watched it over dinner, and I agree with Tom and greywulf – we definitely have a worthy successor to David Tennant if the first episode featuring this new Doctor is any indication. Was not hard to vote an enthusiastic “We have a worthy new Time Lord!”
.-= Neuroglyph´s last blog ..Review of Kobold Quarterly #13 Spring 2010 =-.