Now that Critical Hits 6.0 with the Chatty DM (and many other new writers) is up and running, everything seems to be going quite well! Last week Dave talked about the new design and new things going on with the site, but he also asked an interesting question about who brings the miniatures to your game table when you play RPGs. A whopping 46% of you responded that the DM brings the minis, and 28% responded that the answer lies somewhere between the players and the DM bringing the minis. 10% said the players provide the minis, and 8% don’t play with minis while another 8% somehow have a different answer altogether. For me the answer is that sometimes I use Dave’s miniatures but for the most part I end up using my own small but sufficient collection, unfortunately I end up using representational minis rather than having the exact right ones but my players never seem to mind.
With D&D XP behind us now, the Battlemind class out in the open, and the Runepriest nearly confirmed it seems like a good time to look at the Player’s Handbook 3 that is coming out in March this year and figure out which class is the most hotly anticipated. This is especially fitting because at the end of last year we ran a poll asking which D&D product all of you most want to get your hands on in 2010 and the PHB3 came out in the lead just ahead of Dark Sun!
[poll id=”153″]
This is a tough poll because I can’t even decide which answer to choose, but please try to figure out which one you really would be most upset if it ended up not coming out in the book. I predict Monk although its change to Psionic may cause it to be a bit less popular. Psion is most likely going to be a healthy contender with Battlemind close by because of its newness and a new defender is just plain sexy. That’s right, I went there.
This thing isnt’ multiple choice?!
Seeker definitely. What the Ranger should have been all around (a ranged weapon controller).
It’s gotta be the Seeker for me.
The Runepriest is definitely confirmed. It’s one of the classes in the D&D Gameday pack and the Gameday pack explicitly says that each character is one of the classes released in PHB3. In addition, the race of four of the characters are all the new ones from PHB3 (Minotaur, Wilden, Githzerai and Shardmind).
The runepriest sounds so *interesting*. I really should have chosen monk, since one of my players is already playing one, and I’d like to see what he’ll be able to do with it down the line, but he can answer the poll himself if he wants to. I’m a huge fan of leader classes in general, so it’s gotta be runepriest for me.
Why no love for the Monk? Is it underpowered?
.-= ChattyDM´s last blog ..Chatty’s Tales of the Arabian Nights =-.
Actually, watching the monk in action has been fantastic and hilarious. There’s a lot of entertainment to be found in watching a dude punch things a lot. It helps, though, that the person playing him loves kung fu, so it suits his play style and personality.
I have yet to see an instance of the monk being underpowered, but then again, we’ve just started playing with this character. We’ll see if the glamour lasts through the publishing of PHB3.
.-= Jenny Snyder´s last blog ..A word from our sponser… =-.
Battlemind all the way. Take the combat prowess of the Psychic Warrior and combine with the pseudo-shapeshifting of the psychometabolist, toss in one of the sickest (and yet trickiest) defender marks, and you have a class that psyches me up (get it?)
I voted Battlemind, but in general, Psionics are a snoozer for me – but we’ve beaten this horse to death already! haha
I guess I’m in the minority, but I’m for the Psion. Of course, I’m a little bias as my favorite character ever is a Psion and I’m jazzed to finally be able to convert him to 4e.
I have been running a game for about 5 months, and we meet every other weekend. One of the players is a monk, so i have seen the class in action. I think the monk is interesting. He is very mobile, and does a nice amount of damage. Hes Ac is on the lower side. Until a few weeks ago there was a lack of items to award him with. Overal i have enjoyed the charcter and my player has enjoyed it as well. Oh and for all of you who decide to make a monk, be carful of the encounter power “open the gates of battle”. He uses it every encounter, and to this day he has rolled three natrul 20s, three twos and countless ones. Its a bit of a joke in our group.