Twitter Updates
- RT @Highmoon: Houses of the Blooded-powered Menzoberranzan hack cooking up. via @Judd_of_Kryos #DnD #drow #HotB #
- Sorry, working now to disable the tweets while we play around, please stand by! #
- Gotta love out of control technology. #
- Coming to Rock Band: Flight of the Conchords (including “Business Time”) should make @bartoneus happy (via @RockBandAide) #
- RT @gregbilsland: January #dnd rules updates are live. They are few, but they are fierce. Check them out here: #
- RT @Wizards_DnD: Okay, here it is – The PH3 Hybrid sneak peek! Have at it! #dnd (DDI sub required) #
- DriveThruRPG says their servers are choking under the strain of everyone’s generosity, so “hang loose” and it will be available to all. #
- Gamers Help Haiti @drivethrurpg just crossed $20,000 raised: amazing! But can we get even more? #
- Hahahaha. RT @GeekTyrant: FOX to Develop a U.S. Version of TORCHWOOD and possibly DOCTOR WHO #
- RT @brandonnn: Squeenix uses Facebook to announce Final Fantasy I&II for iPhone, no one notices: #
- RT @rdonoghue: 3 things not to do when making a skill challenge: #
- Great article by @mikemearls on running skill challenges and the issues therein (DDI sub required) #
- RT @newbiedm: RT: @Trevor_WotC: Official word on D&D Minis and the PH Miniatures line: #dnd #
- RT @ChattyDM: So Long and Thanks for all the Fish! My last post as a solo blogger. π #
- RT @KoboldQuarterly: Get a FREE issue of award-winning #DnD mag @KoboldQuarterly! Use code KQ10 Free thru 1/31 #
- RT @cordaxmike: New teaser screenshot of i4e 1.3 updated powers list #dnd #i4e (for those that missed it last night) #
- RT @FFGames: You can now play Ingenious on your iPhone and iPod Touch! (iTunes link) #
- RT @ChattyDM: Keeping up with the PCs: Part 2, What Not to Do and Quick Fixes #
- RT @WolfStar76: Cant make it to DDXP, but still want to hear all the news being announced at the Seminars? #
- RT @newbiedm: Amazon page for D&D Gamma World for 4th Edition: #
- RT @bleedingcool: New Post: The Apple iPad Is $499 β This Is The New Reality For Comic Books – #
- Runepriest is the divine leader, Battlemind psionic defender, and shardmind last race from PHB3? #
DDXP 2010 Product Seminar Coverage
- Live tweet coverage of the #ddxp 2020 #dnd product seminar starting in about 10 minutes (1p est) #
- Likely, a lot of it was already revealed at GenCon, but if Amazon is right, there will be some curveballs. #
- At the podium: @mikemearls, also here Rich Baker, Kirin Chase, Bart Carroll, and @Wotc_Trevor #
- January already out: Underdark and Dragonborn. Dragonborn is experiment with low cost, softcover. #
- Blurry pic of podium and display. #
- Rich Baker: every character supported in DDI evey few months #
- Martial Power 2- support for martial, 1 fighter build, 2 ranger, 1 rogue, 2 warlord, weapon style feats, new PPs, & EDs #
- Plus martial practices, like rituals for martial characters- non-combat options for martial chars like running marathon #
- 3 dragon ante, expansion or standalone #
- March: PHB3. Psionic powers, new classes, new races, new options. Supported by D&D Gameday #
- Classes: Monk, Battlemind, Psion, Ardent, Seeker, and ??? (rumored to be Runepriest) #
- Races: Wilden, Minotaur, Githzerai, and ??? (rumored to be Shardsoul) #
- Plenty of options for non-psionic characters too, including hybrids. Also in March: Hammerfast, softcover, poster map, near Nentir Vale #
- Mearls: Every place has an adventure hook. Tried to mimic City of Greyhawk. Also sample mini-campaign arc for Hammerfast campaign #
- April/May: Plane Above book, like Plane Below but for Astral Sea #
- Player’s Strategy Guide: aimed to be fun to read by #dnd players- essays, play advice. Not hardcore optimizing or rules. D&D celebs writing #
- May: Dungeon mag annual. Mostly adventures. The Slaying Stone: adventure for lvl 1-3, 32pg softcover w/ poster map. #
- June: Monster Manual 3- trying hard to include more flavor to monsters based on feedback. Story hooks included. (not 3-4 pages though) #
- Monster blocks will contain a section on allies, and why they work together. #
- Also releasing in June: Gargantuan Orcus. Limited edition. Base is removable. Emphasized very limited edition. #
- More in June: Tiefling book, similar to Dragonborn, written by @sernett #
- Deserts of Athas dungeon tiles in June. Demonicon in July, details Demon Lords, history of Abyss “make it adventurable”. Encounter tables #
- July: Tomb of Horrors super-adventure. 10th-22nd level. Draws on Return to Tomb. Format like Revenge of Giants #
- July- Vor Rukoth. Like Hammerfast, more Paragon-focused. Ruins of Tiefling city, east of Nentir Vale. Extraplanar bad guys #
- “Dungeons & Dragons Essentials” first product- Dungeon Tiles Master Set “the dungeon”, keep in print. Use tiles from this in advenures #
- August- Psionic Power by Rob Schwalb. 1 new build for each psionic class. Ardent- empath, Monk uses weapons, Psion uses ectoplasm for minion #
- August- Lords of Madness. Completely blind box again. 6 minis, 60 minis in set, 21.99, contain huge. One mini set per year #
- Also will be “very rare” minis of evey size. #
- August- Dark Sun. Campaign setting and Creature Catalog. Char creation, geography, adventure, dm advice, societies all in setting. #
- Gith, doomreavers, and more Athasian monsters. Also contains hazards and NPCs. Thought long and hard about where to start off. #
- Baker and Schwalb primary writers. Big release using everybody, since they all are DS fans. #
- August: Marauders of Dune Sea adventure. Set outside city of Tyr, 32pg softcover. Also new D&D dice set. #
- Castle Ravenloft board game in Aug. 1-5 players, plays in 1hr or less, 13 advenures, 42 minis, 13 tile sheets, hundreds of cards. Co-op #
- Scales based on # of players. Aimed to be for when can’t get together a #dnd game. #
- Minis with Ravenloft includes 1 huge, all unpainted. Modular board. Cards for events and monsters. Drew as much from adventure as could #
- Ravenloft will be $64.99, released at GenCon. #
- September: D&D essentials set. Looks like Red Box. Includes solo play that helps generate character while playing #
- Aimed to be entirely introductory product. Also in sept- Rules Compendium. Reference book for all rules. Not a rewrite of rules #
- Errata will be incorporated into Rules Compendium. $20, 6×9 size. Red box has tokens an maps. “crayon later this year.” also $20 #
- D&D essentials: Heroes of the Fallen Lands. Designed to be used after Red Box. New builds of existing char classes, basic char classes #
- Fighter, Cleric, Wizard, Rogue, Ranger. More walks thru chargen. Humans, Dwarves, Eladrin, Elf, Halflings. New feats Too #
- Oct: more essentials: Dungeon Master’s Kit, how to DM, sample adventures. Other Tiles master set: “the city” #
- Dungeon Master Kit is big box. Has rules compendium. Lot of monster tokens, two poster maps. $40-$45 #
- Oct: Gamma World. Uses D&D rules. Complete game experience in box. 160 rulebook included. Rooted in d&d. Chargen, how to gm, monsters #
- More on Gamma World: 10 encounters, poster map, tokens. New card mechanics. Character will be mutant. “part cockroach, part yeti” #
- In GW starter box, item cards and mutation cards that come up randomly. Some powerful, some silly. GW will have booster cards for players #
- GW booster packs will be random, only found in hobby stores (not bookstore) Will also have game day #
- Nov: D&D essentials Heroes of Forgotten Kingdoms. Introduces more classes With new builds and races (ex dragonborn and Druid) #
- Nov: Dungeons of Dragonfire Mountain (based on dragon mountain) board game. Shares some mechanics w/ Ravenloft but with twists #
- Some pieces of each Boardgame can be used with each other to expand and make bigger games. Same component #s as Ravenloft #
- Monster Vault is monster book for D&D essentials, includes one token for every monsters in it #
- December: race book for Humans like dragonborn and tiefling books. Also Gamma World “expansion” box, adventure box w/ 16 encounters. #
- December: Dungeon Tile master set “the wilderness.” #
- Most of end of the year is “Essentials” box starting with new Red Box 4e. Only 1 core d&d product, though essentials will have new stuff #
- Off-hand reference to “martial power 3” – may have just been a joke π #
- This year in minis: one core set, Orcus, and “one surprise” #
- Streets of Shadow minis set and Player’s Handbook Heroes both canceled. #
- Orcus is $74.99, emphasized very limited nature again, especially through game stores. #
- “allaying fears” – not abandoning core d&d line. 10 products in essentials then back to core. Problem was workload. “unusual cycle” #
- Online content (ie DDI) will support Heroscape/D&D links and the new boardgames #
- Side note: only two cranky messages + unfollows from livetweeting. There’s more updates to come, so choose following wisely π #
- No big announcements for DDI. Working more on Adventure Tools but don’t have anything ready to announce yet. Working all the time on tools #
- Character builder will “change and adapt” to fit analogue game (ie Essentials content). Also more of the boardgames planned. #
- “How many instakills are in Tomb of Horror?” “Not enough.” #
- More seminars this weekend- Dark Sun, and “beyond the rpg” focusing on boardgames/cardgames. If I should cover those, tell me! #
DDXP Community Seminar
- – Next session about Organized Play and Community with @christulach and @trevor_wotc. (via @geeksdreamgirl) #
- Next DM Rewards: a Dark Sun box (WAR art), plus full set of condition cards for evey condition. Pics forthcoming. #
- Dark Sun box #
- Dark Sun box opened×7 #
- LFR is working to be more community driven, and is expanding play experiences, like special con experiences and new places (Raven’s Bluff) #
- Worldwide D&D Game Days: PHB3 On March 20, Dark Sun in August, D&D Red Box in Sept, Gamma World in October #
- Condition Cards that will be DM rewards (protoype) #
- Cons will have more background to pregen characters, Ultimate Delve returns this summer, highlight new products, more DM support tools #
- Wizards of the Coast announces the end of Star Wars license #rpg #d20 (via @dorkland and @monkeyking) #
- WotC supported cons: DDXP, Pax East, Origins, SD Comic Con, GenCon, Pax Prime, NY Comic Con #
- Formal announcement of D&D encounters (read more on our site: ) Middle ground between campaign and one-offs #
- Can earn renown points by various things both in game and out of game, which let you earn rewards. (some are like achievements) #
- D&D Encounters starts on March 17 (St. Patrick’s Day!) w/ Undermountain. Scheduling starts February 8th. #
- .@trevor_wotc is talking about featured content on community site- specifically @NewbieDM ‘s group #
- Talking about @wizards_dnd feed- going to do weekly rules answers, just figuring out best way to do it #
- “when will Monuments of the Ancients, greatest adventure ever, be released into LFR?” -author @matt_James_fr #
- Second season of D&D encounters starts in June and will be Dark Sun. #
- DDXP Podcast: @wotc_bart updates us on the happenings at the D&D Experience. #dnd #ddxp #podcast (via @Wizards_DnD) #
- RT @KenofGhastria: My latest on, talking about the news from #DDXP #
DDXP “Beyond the RPG” Seminar
- At the “Beyond the RPG” seminar at #DDXP (also reporting: @geeksdreamgirl , @wolfstar76) #
- Presenting: @mikemearls, @christulach, and Rich Baker. Talking about the new board games (like Ravenloft), 3 Dragon Ante, and Gamma World. #
- 3 Dragon Ante expansion can be played alone or combined with original. Some of the new dragons from 4e make an appearance. Can mix and match #
- Castle Ravenloft, for those that didn’t hear earlier, is cooperative #dnd boardgame, out for GenCon. #
- Combination of HeroQuest, Descent, Space Hulk, and Betrayal at House on the Hill. Hour play time, cooperative, pulled from the module #
- Dungeon is built as you go, using 4×4 interlocking tiles. 5 different characters. Scenario-driven that dictates objective and play. #
- Monsters come with a “Script” to determine their AI. Players go, then there is a Strahd turn that runs the monsters based on text. #
- Very cut down version of #dnd move and attack action, plus some extra powers. Plays fast. All scenarios form a mini-Ravenloft campaign #
- 42-44 unpainted minis come in the box. 5 Heroes, huge Dracolich, piles of monsters, and Strahd himself. Lots of tokens for traps and such. #
- And as reported earlier, “Dungeons of Dragonfire Mountain” (nee Dragon Mountain) will be released in Oct using same system. #
- Dragonfire Mountain will be standalone, then online content will provide scenarios to combine them. #
- Dungeons of Dragonfire Mountain also inspired by “Gates of Firestorm Peak” #
- Depending on reaction, DDI may also provide new characters or other options for the board games. #
- .@greywulf Sadly, the production of the game wasn’t along enough to make an appearance, so there’s nothing to show or play for it here. #
- This may also not be the only board game engine they design. So for example, they might do a “War of the Lance” mass strategy game. #
- Another possibility for playing the game if the DM kills off several PCs in a session, those players can go play Ravenloft π #
- Gamma World: 30 classic monsters + a few new ones, 10 encounter adventure, rules. Self contained game to get started. 4 token sheets #
- GW: a few poster maps, and a GM’s deck of cards that includes 40 mutation cards and 40 tech cards. #
- Doesn’t necessarily use classes. Some things remain the same w/ character, some change, plus mutations of all kinds #
- Your Half-Yeti can wield an M-16 and a stop sign in leather armor. There’s also power armor, blasters, etc. #
- 120 card set, 8 card boosters for $3.99 for more mutations, tech cards, and player “personal deck” cards. #
- “Famine at Fargo” adventure released after core, featuring a giant mutated chicken. Expansion adds 10 cards. More expansion in 2011 #
- Gamma World is “very compatible” with #dnd Skill list slightly different, but D&D monsters work just fine and vice versa #
- Tech artifacts would be “spooky and scary” in D&D but they work similarly as magic items. “Radiation” as damage type. #
- “In LFR, can we use Gamma World artifacts?” @christulach shuts that down pretty quick π #
- There are character themes that have elements of D&D roles- acid-spitting cockroach might be kind of a striker, for instance. #
- “Marketing guys might not want me to say this, but you don’t have to buy boosters, and you can always draw from GM’s deck.” #
- Almost entirely random character generation, you’ll have a key stat for your theme, and then stats rolled, as well as stats and mutations #
- Character creation takes maybe up to 15 minutes because so much of it is random. Equipment purchase is one of the few decisions #
- Character progression is faster than D&D, and goes up until level 10 and stops. #
- There are plans to do more “genre games” in the future, which will almost certainly use the 4e engine. #
- No further information on “Points of Light” setting novels, other than Bill S. is working on finishing the first one now. #
- However, the PoL novels will be aimed at the same core audience as normal D&D novel formats, instead of being shorter or aimed younger. #
DDXP Athas Unveiled Seminar
- #DarkSun seminar starting soon from #DDXP #
- Rich Baker’s second project when he first started at TSR was a Dark Sun sourcebook, and even worked on such books as Will and the Way #
- Rob Schwalb is a freelance designer for WotC and also took lion’s share of design. #
- Baker re-familiarized himself with the Dark Sun setting before working on it again, like visiting conversion & Wanderer’s Journal #
- Original setting pulled more from Conan and Barsoom than LotR. Fantasy world different than what was done before. More savage & dangerous #
- Athas in Seven Sentences (pic to come later), 4e setting had to follow all of them or else they did it wrong. #
- Area covered in Athas is “smaller than the state of Texas” unlike other settings. #
- Also covering seminar: @geeksdreamgirl, @matt_james_fr, @wizards_dnd, @wolfstar76, @hommlet #
- Trying to take all the parts that original Dark Sun fans loved and take them back to their first exposure. #
- Dark Sun Campaign Guide: 8/2010, 224pgs, 2 new races, 10 character themes, paragon paths, feats, and gear. #
- Extensive Atlas of Athas, short intro adventure, plus material on DMing a Dark Sun game. Societies and flavor of the world. #
- Incorporates “Cutting edge D&D tech” incl. new traps and terrain powers, revised skill challenges, etc. #
- Theme is like a template for characters of any class. Things like Gladiators extend to all classes, so need another mechanic beyond classes #
- Themes give one encounter power, as well as powers you can substitute your class powers for. Some limits & restrictions #
- Gladiator gives a “controller theme” so it’s a backdoor way to get into a martial controller. #
- Themes might make their way into core #dnd – could represent something like a Pirate. #
- Creature Catalog: 144pg softcover, 50+ Dark Sun monsters in 120 varities. 7 Sorcerer-Kings and Dragon of Tyr. +Templates, hazards, etc #
- Retailers gave feedback that players wanted more of the description of the world in the book that they read for campaign guides #
- Insights from Monster Manual 3 design were used in Creature Catalog. More flavor, more story, integration with hazards, other hooks #
- Marauders of the Dune Sea, 32pg adventure for 1-3rd level Dark Sun characters, designed by @brucecordell #
- DDI: Monthly support for Dark Sun. Maybe not an adventure for every month, but split between adventures for Dungeon and options in Dragon #
- List of setting questions is up- pic to come later. Things like using dungeons in Dark Sun, role of Gods, handling Dragons, etc. #
- On things like gnomes that weren’t in 2e, specifically left out for DM to handle, but it’s not a core assumption. #
- Q on Cosmology: decided to include core D&D cosmology. Part of the reason was for monster origins. Not that far from original Dark Sun cosmo #
- Shadowfell is close to the Gray, magic deserts and remaining forests relate to the Feywild. #
- RT @Judd_of_Kryos: Dark Sun 4e tweets compiled Thanks to @Wizards_DnD and the fantastic work of @criticalhits #
- Half-Giants (Goliaths) will no longer have fluctuating alignment… of course. #
- Dragonborn “aren’t just bolted on”, and Tieflings will be there as well, both with hooks back to the original setting. #
- One of the themes emphasizes Psionic wild talent. #
- Wild talents can also get some “cantrip-level” psionic talents. #
- In Dark Sun, trying to downplay the importance of magic items, and will use the options from DMG2 to achieve this. #
- Mul is +2 Con and other choice +2 Str OR Wis. Edge against condition/status stuff. #
- And that’s the end of the Dark Sun seminar. Can’t wait for August. #
Man, that’s a lot of bits this week.
.-= Matthew Arcilla´s last blog ..What Are The Grapple Rules for Shower Rape? =-.
Agreed- this seems to be very contrary to ‘bits’