(Boy am I glad not to post this on April 1st)
During my scientific training I was thought never to keep a punch till the end if I wasn’t writing a story. So here it is, I’m seriously considering merging Musings of the Chatty DM into the structure of my friend Dave’s Critical Hits* while keeping a clear, recognizable spot on their website. I’ll go into details below, but at least the cat is out of the bag.
Like many nerd projects, one often feels the need to move on once things have been mastered. And while I LOVE writing Musings of the Chatty DM, I’ve grown weary of managing its infrastructure. That’s why I haven’t changed themes in 2 years, that I don’t try to fix my Feedburner issue, that I hardly ever think of changing the speech in the bubble up there.
Oh and don’t ask me about hacking attempts!
As The Plan unfolds (i.e. my 2009-2010 career reorientation), I realize that I want to write, not learn css or how to secure SQL databases. While I’m surrounded by people who have done it for me for free, I’d rather work with someone who’s more into it than I am. As a writer and a teacher, 30 months of blogging taught me that writing and answering comment is what I want to do most.
The idea to merge with Critical Hits came to me while I was answering one of Dave’s recent emails. He was observing that CH’s original crew (a group of pre-college friends) was re-focusing on real-life issues and that keeping the original schedule was going to be harder. He was asking us for ideas on addressing this.
I then proposed the merge as a huge ‘what if’. I no longer post 5 days a week and neither could Dave. I was weary of managing the behind the scene stuff of a WordPress blog while Dave wasn’t. What if we merged? A Win/Win seemed possible.
Of course, when we started talking about it more seriously, I shared my main expectations on this.
- The chattydm.net/com domains would need to be maintained and link to a specific area of Critical Hits where my stuff could be found and well laid out.
- A chattydm-specific RSS feed so readers could keep following my stuff.
- I get to keep full editorial control of my posts, Dave offered some proof-reading and grammar-checking (yeah, I would need that).
- A dedicated space on the site’s front page where readers can find my stuff like it was a feature on those ‘Magazine’ WordPress themes. (i.e. the site would be redesigned)
- Give readers who would prefer the ‘ChattyDM’ experience to come in directly, read/comment and leave (actually that one is from Dave, how’s that for service?)
- I keep full publication rights to my posts for possible future blog anthology books.
- The old ChattyDM blog would be closed (there are security reasons behind this)
- A written agreement would be put in place.
None of these seem to be a deal breaker so Dave and I will explore this further. In essence, I would become part of the Critical Hits team, while at the same time having my own ‘section’ of the website doing my Chatty DM stuff.
Heck, I could write about Video Games and movies more often! 🙂
But before we do this, I want to ask you what you think!
Given that I will likely go forward with this (barring no technical or contractual obstacles), I’d like to know what your gut reactions tosuch a move would be? As Chatty DM readers (and potential CH readers too), I would also like to know what your expectations would be to keep you as contented readers during and after the move?
While I’ve always said I write for myself first and foremost but now that we’re about 2000 here, you also get to say your piece. We’ll pay attention I promise.
So fire away!
*Critical Hits is an Ennies-nominated blog that talks about RPGs, Boardgame, game designs, gaming news, movies and all things geek. It’s the first geek blog I started reading 3 years ago before I launched Chatty DM.
Obviously, I’m quite interested in hearing reactions too 🙂
.-= Dave T. Game´s last blog ..Changing the Way We Think About Published Adventures =-.
For the reasons you’ve given, I think your idea of merging with Critical Hits makes a lot of sense. It’s a lot easier to keep the content in a blog fresh when the effort is shared. Let’s face it, real life has to be addressed. I do like the caveats you’ve put into place. The main issue I have is accessibility. I want to be able to get to the parts of the Critical Hits site that I want to see (like the Chatty DM) without having to go through multiple layers, so once I’m at the site, don’t make me click more than once or twice or you’ll lose me.
One shared site that I’m a regular visitor to is Gnome Stew. Those guys (I don’t know how many gnomes there are, maybe a half dozen) have new content almost every day. It’s usually short and opened for discussion amongst the readers, but by sharing the editorial duties, they manage to keep it fresh and keep the writers from getting burned out. I think a similar arrangement would work for Dave and you.
Whatever you decide, good luck and thanks for your continued hard work.
As I mentioned before, this would be the biggest RPG Blogger merger since DavetheGame started dating GeeksDreamGirl !!!
I say go for it.
I agree the seperate RSS feed is a must, but even if you lost that, i’d still follow the blog 🙂
I hear and understand. There is little emotional reaction, as I have moved to perpetual lurking state. Feed reader parses Critical Hits, too.
.-= Tommi Brander´s last blog ..We fight the woods =-.
Sounds like a good plan all around. I will read your ramblings wherever they end up.
.-= Sean Holland´s last blog ..Tuesday Magic Item – Traveler’s Cloak =-.
I already follow via RSS + Twitter, so I’m interested in the author and the contents, not the format, the URL or the theme!
Chatty – as long as you have an RSS feed and keep writing, I’m happy!
I think it’s a great idea Chatty. If it will allow you to write with some more peace of mind, that’s all that matters. I support it entirely.
.-= Wyatt´s last blog ..Review: Grain Into Gold =-.
I thought of bringing another contributor on board to help with content at RPG Blog 2, but in the end, it didn’t seem to be a very popular idea amongst my readers. But if you can maintain accessibility and independence, and it helps you do the other things you want to focus on, do it. It beats blogger burnout, after all!
(I just hope your stuff is easy to find and not buried).
.-= Zachary´s last blog ..A Historical Background: Iron Crown Enterprises =-.
TC: It’s supposed to be full content in RSS feed- and it is when I pull it up in my Google Reader and other reader. So there must be some technical issue at work here that I’ll have to look into. I assure you though, we would do full content in RSS feed. (There are ads in them, though.)
.-= Dave T. Game´s last blog ..Changing the Way We Think About Published Adventures =-.
“Critically Hit the ChattyDM”. Y’know, it does have a certain ring to it.
On a technical note, it sounds like a perfect candidate for WordPress MU, or WordPress 3.0 when it comes out which will merge the multi-user blog magic into the main WordPress tree in the near future. But that’s an aside.
Makes sense to me. A blog shared is a lightened commitment load (perceived or actual) and that’s a Good Thing.
.-= greywulf´s last blog ..End on a high! =-.
I say go for it… I already read both blogs, so even if the RSS feeds were merged, I’d be fine. Just don’t Fade on us! 😉
I wish you the best in whatever you decide, these are both excellent blogs.
.-= Zzarchov´s last blog ..So you all meet in a tavern and instantly trust each other…again =-.
Thanks for the positive feedback so far, don’t hesitate to air out your concerns, we are very interested in them.
A key expectation for me that I see mirrored in a few comments is not to get my ‘character’ (for lack of a better word) be washed away in the other blog’s stream.
I’m not worried about that. There’s going to be a ‘phil-ness’ to it all (at least my corner of it) that will remain. Yes there will be a theme change, and quite likely colors… but I’m keeping my cartoon! 🙂
As for my ‘voice’… it’s loud enough, you’ll hear it fine.
It’s amazing what a good support structure can do for your creative output, too. Now that you’re not writing another 1,000+ article just because you need content, you can focus on writing the stuff you’re passionate about.
It will focus and sharpen your writing, I think. People write better when they *get* to do something, as opposed to *have* to.
My 1.19999 cents.
I’d still be reading because I enjoy and subscribe to both, but I actually don’t think it’s a good fit. You write a personal journal. Critical Hits is a news and reviews site. The mechanics of combining might work, but the mission/vision would be confused.
.-= David´s last blog ..DD Mau, or UNO+ =-.
I understand how draining it can be to have to slog through non-fun stuff in order to do the fun stuff you love. Eventually, even the fun stuff starts to look draining. I say, go for it! You’ll be happier and end up writing more and accomplishing more than otherwise.
I think it is a great idea. You would get to continue doing what you like (posting and discussion in comments) without the stuff you do not like maintaining infrastructure) and Critical Hits would get more posts. It sounds like a win for both blogs — and their readership.
So long as you keep writing about the things you want to I think it’s a good idea. If bullet #1 doesn’t already cover this, having chattydm.net redirect to your section of critical hits in the same way that tsr.com redirects to the D&D site would be a good way to guide your intermittent readers to your new writing outlet.
My initial gut reaction at the beginning of the post was “What? NO!!!” However, upon further reading of your reasons, I do feel that, based on what you have told us, it is the best thing for you. Your blog is an enjoyable read for me, and anything that you can do to make it more enjoyable for you to write it is a good thing in my mind.
I follow CH in my RSS feed and have never found anything that I disliked in their feed. My impression is that CH is a more “crunchy” blog (as it relates to D&D) whereas yours is more focused on the fluffy side of things*. I can only see this as a good thing for both you and them.
*Note that this is my reflection based on a sleep-addled mind that is currently under assault by a 2-year old with an ear-infection and a 5-year old teetering on mild pneumonia.
Yeah, my first reaction was “huh”? But since it seems that a big condition of the merge is to have the ChattyDM blog still being followable by itself, sounds cool.
I have read CH from time to time, but for some reason it never made me “stick” with it (same thing with NewbieDM, btw). Maybe another good thing about the move is that it will expose those of us with the extra time to a few more voices in the field.
No concerns here, sounds like a win/win. Plus it means i will have one less website to go to each day, during my geek rounds.
I love those great ideas that seem to pop up out of nowhere. All the best and i’ll keep reading what ever the outcome.
.-= Scott´s last blog ..Haunted House: 4 Tips To Terrify Your Players =-.
Sounds good to me! Less tech concern for you is always a plus. More content for us is also a good plus.
.-= Andy´s last blog ..Breakin’ Down the Christmas Tree, Part 1 =-.
Sweet, sounds like a great idea!
.-= Mike´s last blog ..A Gamer Challenge: You only get one shot =-.
Go for it. Seems like a win/win indeed.
.-= Daniel M. Perez´s last blog ..Ierne: The Warning =-.
Well you’ve already all but said it would help your writing and you both sound reasonably enthusiastic about it so… Sounds like it’ll be a great idea for you guys.
The only thing I would add is you might want to discuss what you’d both need to happen to separate amicably if things don’t quite work out right. I doubt you’ll need it but a couple of early creative collaborations made me realize how helpful this could be. 🙂
P.S. Sorry I don’t make it here as much lately… Real life has been… “interesting”. Best of luck to you both!
I am a reader/lurker of both blogs, and I must say that if this helps keep the awesome posts coming than it sounds like a wonderful idea. My only concern is about your archives, will they be moved over there as well? I really enjoy having all those years worth of content available to browse through.
.-= Enchelion´s last blog ..Encounter in the Forest – Part 1 – Background =-.
I’d say merge, one of the best things about the blog I currently help run and manage is having multiple authors. It allows fresh content to be up every day even when the other author is not feeling it. Or as Jeff nicely put it today, “this article is making my eyes bleed.”
So I step in and post one of my articles instead. New content goes up and the readers keep on reading. Personally I love this approach it allows you to keep the rest of your life in order and not let the blog over run everything.
I say merge, I think you’ll find it to be more beneficial.
At first I also said ‘Nooooo!!’ Then I got over it. You’re gonna rock anyway. 🙂
RSS & Twitter eh? Hmm. Have to look into that – may be missing something…
.-= satyre´s last blog ..campaign branding: generosity =-.
Thank you all for the show of support. I note David’s observation of mismatching ‘mission’ and I’ll discuss this with Dave.
I’ve often seen Critical Hits as a virtual geek magazine and I perceive that my more personal musings/journal entries could be construed as a column in that Magazine, not held by the editorial line but functioning within parameters that Dave and I are both comfortable with (he’s one of my earliest readers).
@Lanir: Dave and I will likely include an amicable separation clause in our agreement. So I can walk away with everything I’ve written should we decide to part ways. I hope your real life issues remain under control. Thanks for chiming in.
@Enchelion: Importing all my posts is part of the deal, so my archive (and my tags) will be complete.
@Satyre: my Twitter is @chattydm
I’ll echo Martin’s comment: I already follow via RSS + Twitter, so I’m interested in the author and the contents, not the format, the URL or the theme!
.-= LeSombre´s last blog ..So Frustrated… =-.
@LeSombre: J’adore rencontrer plus des nouveaux lecteurs québecois. I love your About me on your blog… I think you can outchat me 🙂
You’ve got my blessings!
.-= Stargazer´s last blog ..Best & Worst of Gaming 2009 [Part 4] =-.
Phil, it sounds like a win for both of you. The “Chatty DM” identity is strong from a marketing perspective, IMO. There’s a lot of good brand equity built up. Your plan sounds like it will preserve that. Good luck with 2D10! Hope it’s a good year for all.
First, thanks for writing “Musings…” I’m a long time reader, first time commenter. It has been quite entertaining and informative for me. Having said that, I don’t see any issue, as a reader, with you pursuing this plan with the CH folks. It is a way to not re-make the wheel and allow you to spend time on the areas that are more interesting to you.
Best wishes!
Sounds like it’d be perfectly fine to me. I follow at least part of Critical Hits already (the RPG section), so I don’t imagine this would change much for me, except what site opens up when I click the link in my feed reader (I keep track of stuff with the reader, but prefer to look at things in their intended context rather than in the reader, for the most part). I would imagine that it will free you of the time spent on blog management, and that can only be to the good with respect to your larger goals, as well as your writing output.
And hey, having someone to play proof reader never hurts!
I read both CH and this site almost exclusively through RSS, so to be honest I won’t be able to tell the difference after this happens.
Logistically, I don’t see a reason not to continue. I’ve always said, “If it makes your life easier, go for it.”
.-= Franz´s last blog ..Opinions: They’re Subjective. Or Maybe Not. =-.
My gut reaction is not good.
However thinking about it. It’s a good argument you presented. I wish you luck.
.-= Misterecho´s last blog ..What’s wrong with a good ole Dungeon delve? =-.
It would be great to have you join the team, Phil! With me doing the occasional featured column, Dave specializes in catering to the outrageous demands of prima donna writers anyway….
Thanks to all the lurkers who delurked to say their piece. The merger will go forward… I’m letting the brains of the operation take care of it. I’ll be waiting here and writing some more. 🙂
@TheMainEvent: I wonder if he’ll put up ‘Blogger of the Month’ notices on the front page… cuz I’m gonna take ’em all. They already called me the Andy Rooney of CH, I might as well go all Spongebob too.
Kids ain’t got no respect for them elders anymore.
Do it
You are the best RPG blogger I have ever read. Your site is the first site I visit in the morning. I just want to say I support your decision and I am glad you are still going to have an online presence.
Gut reaction: I don’t really like the Critical Hits site and stopped visiting a while back, looking in every once in a while and finding little of value to me.
That said, if you keep your own slice of that site for you, I’ll visit. Might keep me around long enough to rediscover the CH site and the good stuff I’m sure is there, but doesn’t grab me.
If your stuff gets buried in as the 1 in every 3 or 4 posts, I’ll probably fade away.
Which is too bad. As a trained chemist/teacher/educator/RPGer I find a LOT in your posts that ring really true. You are probably top on my list of “celebrity” folk that I would really love to play a game with (maybe just behind Monte Cook, but hey). No matter what, I wish you the best of luck.
The love here is killing me. 🙂
@ Greg: Just Wow. Thanks!
@Dean: There, you got my friend Dave weeping again. Seriously, the themes Dave is shopping for are made exactly so I could have ‘Musings’ as a full category and lots of Sub-Categories in my own section. Complete with section specific sidebars (for my categories and ‘best of’). They are even shopping for a way to spice in my own header in my ‘section’
I really feel like Dave and Graham are building me a cool extension to the CH house.
Oh and thanks for the Kudos. Our backgrounds are very similar and I’m honored that you consider me like a celebrity. I’d love to share a game table one day and DM you one hell of a game.
Whatever makes you happiest and keeps you writing! I already read both blogs, so it’ll make little difference, I’ll read it all anyhow!
Can anyone say Critical Chatty Podcast?
Watching the voices grow and change, both here and on Critical Hits, has been a pleasure.
Watching them grow stronger has also been wonderful.
Finding you both in one place is having one less link to go to in the morning. Sounds like a huge win.
.-= LordVreeg´s last blog ..edited Vernidale’s Servant-spell =-.
Sorry to see your blog go but happy to see it live on in another form. Keep up the good work and what happened to Magic: the gathering stuff???