Animated trailer for EN Publishing’s War of the Burning Sky adventure path, spanning all levels, available for both 3.5e and 4e D&D. (Plus, buying it supports ENWorld, our favorite D&D forum.) Pretty cool teaser, and besides, how often do you get to see a trailer for D&D adventures?
About Dave
Dave "The Game" Chalker is the Editor-in-Chief and Co-Founder of Critical Hits. Since 2005, he has been bringing readers game news and advice, as well as editing nearly everything published here. He is the designer of the Origins Award-winning Get Bit!, a freelance designer and developer, son of a science fiction author, and a Master of Arts. He lives in MD with e and at least three dogs.
That’s a pretty impressive trailer. Yeah it’s the first one I’ve seen for a D&D adventure path, pretty cool!
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