I’ve thought long and hard how to best present this but the announcement that I was stepping down from managing the RPG Bloggers Network muddles the original intent. So I’ll do what I do best and I’ll tell you a story.
When I came back from Gen Con last year, I had learned that I was actually known by many of the 1st tier D&D publishers. To have various writers and publishers know who I was and what I did validated all the efforts I put in this blog and showed me I could write for the industry.
I then launched into way too many projects and when my hypo-manic phase abated I found myself surrounded by half-baked ideas and embryonic projects and a rapidly dwindling interest in all of them. Lack of interest became depression and we all know the story.
Oddly enough, if you get your hands on the Goodman Games adventure I wrote in “From Here to There” (planned for February, it keeps getting pushed back) , you’ll see a darker side of my creativity in the adventure I wrote.
I recovered partially and I returned to Gen Con last summer. What I realized at that con was that not only was I known, I could also be influential. I also got a certain impression that people were expecting something from me, some new project or idea that would shake things up. At the time I had only one project going with Wizards (the D&D for kids idea) but I was told that such a project would take a long time to percolate through the company.
I was cool with that, I wasn’t fully recovered from my depression so I was willing to wait it out. One thing that I had decided upon was that I now considered myself talented enough that I could conceivably live off my writing one day (in and outside of RPGs). I started looking for a way to combine a day job with writing and alternate career plans are currently being explored.
I realized that during that time, I wasn’t sending anything to publishers. I sent Kobold Quarterly 2 queries that were accepted. I sent an article before Gen Con that is still being considered and I have another one I have to right before winter.
But that it’s.
Then, 2 weeks ago I sent an email to a friend who works at D&D Insider, checking how things were and how my D&D for kids bid was doing. He was kind enough to give me a rapid update and he sent me a metaphorical kick in the butt:
In that department, I also recommend, if you want, submitting proposals for work outside the “kids” genre. I know you can write, and I know you have style. Why not inflict your mad genius on DDI subscribers?
That’s the second time I get someone who’s name I see on my D&D books tell me to go for it.
And I will go for it. The callback rate at Wizards of the Coast is not rapid so I can afford to send a bunch of crazy (but well written) ideas to them. Things that show how far the game’s engine can be bent and still work. Ideas that get accepted will go in my project pipeline and start building up future revenues.
So I decided to jettison everything that didn’t help my young writing career. And the Network was one such thing. So off it went.
So 500+ words to tell you that I’m going to put some severe breaks on the posting schedule here over the next 2 weeks or so. I’m going to take the time to brainstorm writing (and other) projects. I’ll then write pitches for those I keep and send them to publishers. This includes magazine articles, adventures and maybe even a DM/GM Podcast.
I’ll keep you posted, I’m really excited.
Have a nice weekend.
Good luck!
.-= Tim´s last blog ..[Thundarr Thursday] New Character Race: Barbarian =-.
As I have stated in our many conversations, I am thrilled that you are recovering wonderfully from your depression!
I would love to see your name more often in print form, Chatty! You are a very talented writer, and have a great vision of how write a game and attempt new things!
I enjoy bouncing ideas off of you and getting very constructive feedback. You’ve been a real help to my blog, and giving me a different view on all sorts of role-playing aspects (even if you poke at me for being a 3.5 player~.<)
I hope that over these two weeks you kick butt, take names, AND get to chew some bubble gum! Thanks for all your help and wonderful posts, Chatty! Best of luck!
.-= wrathofzombie´s last blog ..Going After the Five Blades, Part 3 =-.
@Tim: Thanks
@Wrath:L Thanks man, your daily ‘hi there!’ are part of my morning routine and you make me feel part of this global office that is RPG writng.
And I do NOT poke you about 3.5! If you keep wanting to be tortured by a game that loves players but grinds GMs be my guest!
Just Kidding. 3.5 is all right in my book… it’s not my flavour of the year anymore.
Good luck! Hope that all goes well as it is always fun to read your writing.
.-= Sean Holland´s last blog ..New Monster – Snow Shadow =-.
3.5 is a full bodied mistress, my friend. You just have to know how to handle her. Yes she can be moody at times, and even be a time suck, but she gives as good as she gets.
Yes, our morning conversations are awesome and a great part of my daily routine.
.-= wrathofzombie´s last blog ..Going After the Five Blades, Part 3 =-.
Chatty, that’s some exciting news. While we will miss the regular posts at this location we know that there will be much more coming from you down the line. Best of luck with all the projects and I hope you are able to transition into writing full time!
.-= Wimwick´s last blog ..Using Undead Intelligently =-.
Go for it man, wish you all the best with your career. Although if you’re going to sumbit articles for a living it might be best if you ‘Write’ them rather than ‘right’ them. 🙂
Hope you get your name on one of those books yourself.
Yeah, getting an editor was a step of my plan… I have a real hard time proofreading myself.
Best of luck to you in your writing endeavor your living out the dream that most writers aspire to, getting paid for your work.
Keep us updated and hopefully your work will get published soon.
.-= Tyson J. Hayes´s last blog ..Character Considerations: Naming Your Character =-.
I posted this comment elsewhere, but thought I should say it to you directly:
Here’s hoping you have great success in your ongoing endeavours. You and your fellow RPGBN admins made a positive contribution to the growth of the on-line rpg community. Your example encouraged many other people (including me) to join the online rpg community and start blogging. For that I am most grateful.
Merci beaucoup. Bonne chance.
I’ll keep coming back for more!
Good luck! May the force/mana/energies/muses/cool idea fairies/awesome idea barbarians be with you.
.-= John L. Williams´s last blog ..To Dave, Phil, Graham and Danny… Thanks for creating the RPGBN =-.
We’ll just add my well wishes to the pile. And they are real and truly felt wishes.
We’ll go with these 2 quotes.
You need chaos in your soul to give birth to a dancing star.”
“Buckminster Fuller:
When I am working on a problem I never think about beauty. I only think about how to solve the problem. But when I have finished, if the solution is not beautiful, I know it is wrong.”
.-= LordVreeg´s last blog ..edited how it is played =-.
Thanks everyone for the kind words. My ideas pile is already filling up quite nicely. I’ll add some more and then start judging them…
Great Nietzsche quote LV, thanks!
I volunteer to be the editor 🙂
.-= Colmarr´s last blog ..Raiders of Oakhurst; Ch 1.5 =-.
All the best, my gaming crew and i are really looking forward to using your products in the near future.
I’ll happily take a reduced posting schedule now for a Dragon article with your name at the top of it later 🙂
I think the results are going to be well worth it. I found some pretty cool ideas.