Sorry I couldn’t manage to do 5 Capsule Review, Con prep took a little longer than expected.
Last night’s game of S&W was as awesome, hilarious and fun as I expected it to be. I ran Chgowiz’s exceedingly well designed adventure from the Quick-Start kit. Instead of giving you the play by play, I’ll repost the Twitter accounts of two of the players.
In usual Twitter fashion, please start at the bottom 🙂
clumsycrusader: #Draconis Yes thanks to @ChattyDM for a Fan-Frikkin-Tastic old school beer & pretzels Swords & Wizardry game filled with action & hilarity
clumsycrusader: #Draconis heading home after a good games with @ ChattyDM
clumsycrusader: #Draconis our hirelings work as a team. But, if you spell team backwards it’s MEAT @ChattyDM ‘s game
clumsycrusader: #Draconis Halfling clutching chest “mine mine you can’t have it cause … ahh it’s a trap” … yah that’s the ticket @ChattyDM ‘s game
clumsycrusader: #Draconis motto: Toast a Halfling get a treasure : )
clumsycrusader: #Draconis my dwarf finally goes down felled by skellies. Bury him with honor in and an Ale Keg @ChattyDM ‘s S&W Game
- clumsycrusader: #Draconis the map so far @ChattyDM ‘s S&W Game
- clumsycrusader: #Draconis @spakman is killed by a giant spider & the priest gives the spider last rights … oh and the figther
clumsycrusader: #Draconis obligatory brave sir Robin quote has been uttered. God this dungeon is lousy with frikken halflings… Just when one kills it’s self
clumsycrusader: #Draconis wierd old wererat hermit & now Godzilla sized ants aaahhhh! @ChattyDM ‘s game
- clumsycrusader: #Draconis we just retrieved gems from the back of a statue St. Doobie of the surf whoa man! @ChattyDM
clumsycrusader: #Draconis PMD your doing it wrong @ChattyDM ‘s S&W game
clumsycrusader: The shaman wants me to kill @spakman ‘s character, o think it’s a good idea #Draconis
- I’ve been charmed by the gobo shaman #Draconis
- clumsycrusader: #draconis Ended up tossing halfling across room. 1/2 ling is now dead
spakman: – The first round of combat went poorly for the halfling #draconis
Swung halfling by the ankles at the gob’s & missed #Draconis
We’ve encountered goblins #Draconis @ChattyDM ‘s game
Aaahhh! Goblins! #draconis
clumsycrusader: Rolled up a Dwarven figthing man in @ChattyDM ‘s Sword & Wizardry Game #Draconis
- spakman: Just rolled a 2 hp fighter… I have a spare character sheet standing by 🙁 #draconis
- Sitting round the table shooting the breeze waiting for go time. I decided on @chattydm s swords & wizardry game #draconis
There you have it, a crazy fun game… even though I ended up killing 7 PCs over 6 players.
As my youngest player would have said: “Shiny!”
Expect something similar for today’s 4e game.
See you all later, I’m leaving my laptop at home so I can focus on playing… may sneak in iTouch to follow comments and Twitter feeds.
“Expect something similar for today’s 4e game.”
By which I assume you mean twitter posts, not 7 PC deaths. If you managed that, your adjective would not be “Chatty” 😉
.-= Colmarr´s last blog ..Holy Moly: Natalia Gutierrez =-.
Of course, like at Gen Con, the Hotel’s Wifi went on the Fritz and I barely squeezed a few twitters using the Hotel’s Business centre. I’ll try to write a few Lessons from the Con posts this week.
I don’t know about anyone else, but I’d still love to see a Mouse Guard review
I’ll do one for sure. A capsule one at the very least and quite possibly a game report once I play it with my buddies at our Monthly geekout.