See part 1 here.
House of the all seeing Eye
As the PCs entered the administrative building of the re-education camp, I described how the first floor was deserted and was reminiscent of a U-store where the whole floor was separated in compartment where stuff could be stored. Said stuff was mostly armor, weapons and clothing.
One such pile appeared to be valuables. I described this as such because the players were going to level up to 12 after this session and I wanted to place the remaining 9000 gp worth of treasure parcel in this session.
Before looking at the loot, listen checks were made:
Chatty: Okay so you hear the steps of a few humanoids and what appears to be a Beholder talking in Deep Speech.
Yan (Who wasn’t paying full attention) Wha? How high was that listen check? Don’t Beholders fly?
Chatty: The Beholder talked…
Yan: Ohhh… Nevermind then.
Now the thing is, I had no encounter ready. I had started prepping for one at home, something with an Eye of Frost and a few Foulspawns but I discarded it for my Set-piece encounter with a Grell Philosopher. I don’t know why I didn’t move my Grell encounter into the building. I guess my mind had crystallized around the idea that the camp was run by a Beholder.
Anyway, I opened the Monster Manual to the Eye of Flame (a level 13 Artillery IIRC), I took out stats for level 12 Foulspawn Manglers from another encounter I had and I chose the ‘good’ half of the Broken Demongate battlemap.
The PCs climbed up, many of them making a lot of noise… Stef wanted to know if he could get a jump on the monsters with stealth. I initially said no… but remembered my ‘say yes’ promise and told him he could roll a Stealth check to allow him to start near the monsters, behind a corner. He made it and a surprise round was had.
The fight was brutal for the players. Foulspawn manglers, when working in teams are downright devastating. This coupled with the very high damage dealing Eye of Flame beholder saw the party’s healing resources go down fast. Eventually the Foulspawns were slain and the Beholder became bloodied.
At that point, the Beholder offered to surrender in exchange for his key part. Everyone in the party accepted…. except Usul who attacked it, starting the fight again after a few short seconds.
When the Beholder was down to it’s last HPs, it tried to surrender again, offering to reveal a hidden cache of magic Items. Once again we waited for Usul’s response.
Chatty: Okay Mike, the beholder awaits your response.
Mike (making us wait… smiling): My PC takes 15 ongoing fire damage and falls unconscious.
Chatty: Is that so? Then in a cry of rage, spite and malice it shoots a beam of fire at your crumpled form.
Mike: What?
Yan: Who knows what happens in the mind of bloodied Beholders when controlled by insane DMs.
Chatty: You got that straight!
Six seconds later, the Beholder was chiseled Spam spread all over the place and Usul was healed back into positive HPs. The party dusted itself, picked the key part and searched some more. Ransacking the place showed several documents detailing how the various reprogramming archways worked and the PCs started to plan how to use this knowledge to break the Overmind’s control over the central part of the city.
Oh and they also found the hidden cache of magic items (I’m the one who decided to press on the attack after the Beholder’s apparent surrender, I needed to be fair) and a great big pile of treasure too! Yay!
Resting Interlude
At this point, the group had gone through many of its resources and some PCs were down to their last Healing Surges. The question of resting came up and we all agreed that the places to safely hole up were few. Players discussed it at length and they decided that going back to the Merchant Quarters and try to find a discrete Inn that could be trusted was the best possible outcome.
So I asked for a Streetwise skill from the most skilled PC (Corwin the Halfling Sorcerer). Corwin had already terrorized most of the merchants the day before so it was easier to get cooperation this time. However, the roll failed by 4. So after thinking about it and taking into account the Halfling’s prior performance I said:
Chatty: Okay, here’s the thing, you find a nice Inn reputed for it’s discretion. They ask for 100 gp each. However, something bad will occur.
Yan (Sensing an opportunity): Oh! Nanoc asks for the ‘Special Treatment”
Chatty (An idea forming in my mind): Oh yeah. You aare directed to a private massage room with mirrors everywhere. A lithe woman comes in the room and start to spread oil on you. You look up and see that she’s a Medusa!
Yan: Wha?
The Medusa’s gaze attack struck Nanoc who slowly turned into stone.
Medusa (After the first failed save): What’s the problem Big Boy? Feeling stiff?
Nanoc made his save. To the Medusa’s slight displeasure. However, he was tough enough to see the Massage to the end… keeping his eyes tightly closed.
Finally! I was really happy with this as it became a nice, non-combat complication and created a funny situation.
When Success leads to short scenes.
Since attacking the Vats was supposed to be Fang’s goal, the group decided to tackle Rocco’s instead (Goal: Break the Overmind’s hold on the citizen). So I described that there were 3 runic brainwashing portals leading to the city’s 3 Grand Plazas. I also declared that each portal would need a Thievery check, helped by an Arcana and a Religion check each.
The players discussed the plan and decided that they would modify the brainwashing apparatus to remove the Overmind’s influence and instill a sense of outrage and anger at the Overmind.
The checks were all successes and I really didn’t have much to say at this point (possibly a weakness of the model… with success comes less description… unless I ask player for more). I guess I could have described what happened in the squares… but then again, the PCs didn’t hang around long enough. Regardless, I plan on using the resulting change in mood of the inner city as the backdrop of the adventure’s climax in the next session or two.
Grisly finale
It was now 9h30 PM. We had played a short session but I didn’t want to start another fight that would bring us to 11+ PM. Also, some of us wanted to try Beatles Rockband some more.
I described the last scene:
Chatty: As you make your way to the Vats, you wonder what happened to Fangs. A few moments later, you make a gruesome discovery. You come up to the eviscerated remains of a Shifter, surrounded by Fang’s equipment.
Math: It’s really Fang’s equipment?
Chatty: As far as you can tell.
Stef: Does that mean we can sell it?
Franky: Dude, did you just kill Eric’s PC? What does that mean?
Yan: It means yo better not miss another game!
Roll Credits.
Like I said in the beginning. It was an OK game. Expecting more all the time isn’t realistic.
But I wouldn’t be me if I stopped expecting so much from each game… 🙂
Lessons Learned.
- If I prepare a Set-piece encounter, it needs to be unavoidable while still pushing the story toward the players’ goals. Otherwise, I shouldn’t bother with them, they aren’t necessary to the game style we’re trying out.
- Complications other than combat can be built around monster abilities that cause interesting status effects (petrification, disease, semi-permanent penalties…)
- An adequate game is a good game. If all games were freaking awesome, we wouldn’t enjoy them as much.
- I actually need to learn to believe that sentence above 🙂
P.S.: What’s the deal with Fangs you ask? Is Eric changing PCs? Is he leaving the group? No worries, Eric is still with us. I can’t wait to tell you how that will turn out in the next game.
My wild guess is he is going to end up playing a clone of some sort…
Or (slightly less obvious) the dead body WAS the clone and Fangs placed his equipment there to go “undercover”…
@Fazz: We’ve certainly laid the grounds for playing with clones with Fangs story, it’s like overcomplicated shape-shifting.
@Colmarr: That works too. Of course, I had Eric’s approval and what happened at the end of the game was actually his suggestion. We’re both working at what comes next. 🙂
As always Chatty, great story recap! Looking forward to finding out the fate of Fangs! As you said an ok game is still a good game and fun! It can be frustrating when the ideas in your head that are amazingly awesome don’t pan out the way you envisioned them, but as long as fun was had, than that is what matters.
.-= wrathofzombie´s last blog ..You teleported us into a battle?! Can’t you do anything right?! =-.
As a DM I really liked the last part of the battle with the Beholder but the medusa masseuse is just priceless!
@Jonathan: Ah the Medusa… hehe!! I saw that Phil was searching for an interesting complication so I volunteered the stick so he could beat me with it.
Actually what I said in French was that Nanoc requests “le service étendue” which basically could be interpret as either extended service or lying down services… Well I got served on both account… 😉
I’m placing my money on Fangs body being a clone.
But with Chatty who knows, it is more than likely going to be something that nobody guesses.
I enjoyed the Beholder fight as it sounded exactly like the style of combat i want to achieve with my players.
Thanks Chatty.
I freaking love beholders. They are by far the coolest Elite/Solos of the game so far and I liked each encounter they featured. Of course, after 3 beholder fights in about as many months, it’s time I moved to another baddy…
Yeah the Beholder fight had it’s moment and the whole surrendering gambit was cool to play. Mike is supposed to explain the reasons behind Usul’s refusal to accept the surrender. I’m curious to see where it will go.
It’s funny, like many ‘okay’ games, I find myself liking this session more as I reflect on it and mull it over… a bit like that Unbreakable movie… 🙂
It’s all about bacon… euh… expectation… 😉
If every game is a great game, you don’t have enough to improve upon. I used to say about alpine skiing, ‘if you don’t fall down, you’re not trying hard enough’. And in aviation, ‘any landing you can walk away from is a good landing’. (yes I like to put punctuation outside of quotes.)
Hopefully I’m not the only doofus in the universe, but the first time I saw The Matrix, I thought it was just ‘OK’ [/Kevin dodges bullets]. I had to see it a couple more times to really appreciate it. I won’t comment on the second movie.
@Yan: Um… Sure… I guess. 🙂
@Kevin: That’s what I try to convince myself of. I’ve always have had a mile-long ” I must be the best at what I do” streak. It used to be in my work, but that ended up damaging my health.
Plus, as my friend Dave says, it gives me near-limitless material to write about.