The winners of the One Page Dungeon contest have been announced over at ChattyDM and Old Guy RPG Blog. I was honored to serve on the judging panel, and I’m glad to give a hearty congratulations to the winners.
You can read Alex’s recap of why he voted the way he did on individual entries. I can tell you that I evaluated the entries primarily on a strong core concept, with a healthy dose of “would I want to run or play in this?” The details of what was in each individual room were mostly lost to me, as a lot of it blended together. (This differed from most of my fellow judges, I’m sure). The ones I enjoyed the most were the ones that jumped out as “wow, this idea is cool” and then followed up with a solid execution. Even just evaluating on those two factors, there was still a lot of work to cut the list down to just a few winners.
To those who didn’t win anything, don’t despair… there were plenty of favorites among the judges that we just didn’t have enough prizes to award everything we liked. Hopefully some of you will take your one page idea and run with it, whether it’s just for your own campaign, or make a full adventure out of it.
Actually, my method closely followed yours in that I would go for gut feeling (presentation, core idea, execution) but would rarely dissect individual rooms unless they were really cool to read.
.-= The Chatty DM´s last blog ..Tales of the City Within: Session 1, Part 2 =-.