Last week, my good friend Dave of Critical Hits and RPGblogger’s Network fame asked me to write a little note for his girlfriend’s (‘e’ of Geeks’ Dream Girl) birthday.
Being overly Chatty and prone to a certain dose of creative crazyness, I decided to all out geek and delivered the following Birthday Challenge!
Wish Her a Happy Birthday…and Live!
A person dear to the party’s hearts has just turned 30 and you decide to convey your warmest wishes without having her go all Epic level Solo on your sorry asses.
The PCs must manage to wish a happy 30th birthday to the High Priestess of the church of Sexy Awesomeness without becoming chiseled Spam on the dungeon floor. Using all the tricks allowed by their very limited palette of D&D 4e’ skills, they must cajole, flirt, bluster, spin doctor and, if they have a death wish, lie outrageously to make her happy.
Complexity: 5 (12 successes before 3 failure. We’re talking about dealing with a woman here)
Primary Skills: Acrobatics, Nature, Diplomacy, Bluff
Other skills: Insight (Yea, right! Dream on boy!)
Victory: Your friend tears up, cries out in gleeful happiness and crushes the whole party on her impressive bosom. The party regain all their healing surges and are out of breath for the rest of the encounter.
Defeat: You don’t want to know what will happen if you fail… Seriously, you don’t!
Acrobatics: Hard DC (1 success, 5 maximum): You jump through hoops, dodge conversational pitfalls, avoid putting your foot in your mouth and manage to talk to her without sounding like a complete ass.
Nature: Moderate DC (1 success, no maximum): You enumerate the countless advantages of being a 30 year old woman, including the fact that she’s still 2 years away from her sexual peak, that she’s mature enough to be confident yet young enough to drive young bucks insane with desire.
Diplomacy: Moderate DC (1 success, no maximum): “Don’t you know that 30 is the new 20?” “Have you been exercising? You look Fabulous” “This sacrificial dagger is so you! It complements your whole outfit!” “I swear I thought you were the Goddess herself when I came in”
Bluff: Hard DC (1 success, 3 maximum, then she kills you): “Hey, what’s that written on the label of your robe? Made in Heaven?” “If I told you that your body was awesome, would you hold it against me?” “Hey baby, how ’bout you and I go work on that half-slaad template?”
I’m preety proud of that little baby, I hope you enjoyed it! I hope ‘e’ will enjoy it!
Happy Birthday Girl!
(Also, it’s also Rory’s (my baby girl) 6th birthday today, Happy Birthday pumpkin!)
It’s one of my friend’s birthday’s tomorrow, and you’ve just given me a really bad idea for our Dark Heresy session…
Awesome! You made all of this even more worthwhile!
This is amazing and you are a genius.
Aww shucks… I was just trying to make ‘e’ laugh. 🙂
I laughed so hard I nearly started crying. 🙂
.-= Geek’s Dream Girl´s last blog ..E’s Con Travels: Origins 2009 – Part One =-.
I’m so happy you liked it! Yay!