Editor’s Note: We’ve been fans of Dungeonmastering since the beginning, and so we’re happy to help promote his new tools that help you run your 4e game, as well as a way to get Open Game Table Anthology (that I helped edit) into more people’s hands. That’s why we’re presenting this offer and the advertising footer to go with it. We also get a kick-back on any sold, so we encourage you to take a look.
On May 31 and June 1, Dungeon Mastering will be giving away a free copy of Open Game Table to all new DM Tools premium members.
The DM Tools are mostly known for their monster card builder and also offer power card, item card, and magic weapon card builders, as well as an encounter system to group your monsters and traps together with game notes.
Open Game Table is a 140 pages book – yes, a real book, not a pdf – that features 47 blog posts from 32 top-quality RPG blogs, plus a Foreword written by RPG luminary Wolfgang Baur. Open Game Table aims to bridge the gap between the RPG blogging community and the broader table-top gaming fan base by showcasing the best talent in the RPG blogosphere. OGT also features over 60 illustrations by a stable of talented new artists
Check out the Open Game Table storefront for reviews by WIRED and Bards & Sages.
When you subscribe to a premium account on Dungeon Mastering Tools, a free book will be shipped to your home, anywhere in the world – and shipping is free too!
This promotion only lasts for 2 days: Sunday May 31 and Monday June 1. Snatch it while you can!
Check out the DM Tools premium memberships features and options.
Thank you to everyone who did sign up for the premium DM Tools, I’m a big fan of them and I hope you’re enjoying them too!
Well, I’m a bit late but thanks for the plug even if it is for a kick-back (just a disclaimer on that, the kick-back comes in the form of Expy not melting your server).
Nicholas´s last post: 4 Epic Campaign Premises for Badass PCs