Last week, with boardgames on the brain mixing with D&D that always seems to be on our brains nowadays, we asked about using minis in your D&D games. The answer was overwhelming: yes! A whopping 88% responded that minis are fun, with only 8% saying no, and 4% seeming lost. I started using minis in 3e, after the entirely minis-free days of 2e. Of course, we probably ignored many of the rules in 2e, and had we done that in 3e with the Attack of Opportunity rules, we probably could have gotten away with it. Still, as a DM, it’s much easier to have the minis and the map out instead of answering on every person’s turn how far they were from each ogre. 4e expects them, and what the heck, I love playing with them, so it all works out.
Speaking of which, a new set of D&D minis was released today, along with a little book called Arcane Power. While thinking about spell-casting, I got to thinking about spells themselves. I flipped through both the 3rd edition spell list and cross checked a few against the 4e list (there’s some that didn’t make the jump) and compiled what I feel is a pretty good set of classic arcane spells. Especially around the lower levels there are more that saw more play just because of the nature of lower-level spells, but I think this is a pretty good list across all levels (and if there’s any glaring omissions, be sure to vote other).
[poll id=”122″]
We can close the polls. Magic Missile has been chosen.
Reverend Mike´s last post: on waiting
I predict Magic Missile and Fireball at the top!
It was a toss-up between Magic Missile and Fireball for me. I decided to go with the one that involves massive amounts of d6s and destruction.
No wish?
Questing GM´s last post: Word of Wizards – Excerpts: MM2 Giants
Questing: I knew I’d miss at least one big one. It was easy enough to add, at least.
Sleep! The classic first level wizard’s power back in the day. Of course it is hard to argue with a fireball…
I’ve never been attached to anything in D&D because of past history or icon status (except the four iconic classes, that’s about the only thing I have an real attachment for) but I’ve found Sleep useful in practically every iteration, so I voted for that.
Wyatt´s last post: Might of Eden: Mythic Fighter
Magic Missile, duh. Though my first ever D&D character didn’t have it (I was a little unclear on how to play) and instead made extensive use of Sleep, and later, Charm Person.
Yeah, was a close call between Fireball and Magic Missile. I chose Fireball because that’s always my example when I have to smack people for complaining about realism in D&D ;p
Fireball I can understand, but magic missile was rubbish.
I chose sleep because it is a must have at 1st level. I consider Charm Person a close second for the same reason.
I typically chose sleep first, but magic missile embodies D&D magic (fireball is a close second).
Kameron´s last post: Following a new path
While I can definitely see how some would pick Magic Missile, the poll asks “What’s the most classic arcane spell?” If I’m going by Most Classic, I gotta go with the Fireball’s staying power throughout most adventuring levels.
Rook´s last post: My Foray into 4E: Finally lost my 4E cherry
Fireball is the obvious choice. Magic Missile might be the spell that most wizards take at low level, but when I think wizard the first spell that comes to mind is fireball – and it’s not close. Fireball is the staple spell of every 3e and lower wizard from 5th level onward. Fireball is the spell that every wizard (in 3e and lower) of 1st – 4th level is waiting to get.
Also, fireball is an arcane spell/ability that appears outside the D&D realm, while magic missile – not so much.
Agree with Sultan. Plus, magic missile is total garbage at low levels in 2E/3E.