First Down, 5 Kobolds to go
Okay so after having, for all intents and purposes, killed the game by the time that 8h PM rolled by, I asked all three players if they’d be willing to play the original 2nd scene of the adventure.
I’m grateful that they accepted.
As I had planned it, had the heroes won the skill challenge from the first scene, their next task would have been to play a short game of “Blood Bowl” against a team of level 2 kobolds (3 Skirmishers and 2 Dragonshields).
Halfling MC: “Listen, since you killed off all the players during your show, we thought it would be fitting that you play the game now! We’ll just grab a few Kobold extras to face you and this should be just peachy! Makeup!”
(By the way, I didn‘t actually do many of these dialogues in the game. As it often happens on Friday nights, the combination of tiredness and drinking beer passed the stage of brilliant eloquence made for a much crunchier, less verbal session)
So the scene’s objective was ‘First team to score 3 goals or one hour of playing time, whichever comes first’.
Freely inspiring myself from what I remembered of the Bloodbowl game’s rules, we flipped for the who was on defense first (and got to kick the ball). I asked if the players wanted to cheat the coin flip to be on offense but they ended up being on defense anyway.
Slavek Blud, athletic sorcerer extraordinary kicked the “ball” (a live clawing Kruthik hatchling) in the back of the kobold’s half of the field. Kicking was a Str vs Ball’s Reflex defense. As soon as the ball landed, it got up (it was first on the initiative marker) and ran back to the middle of the field. I had initially ruled that by default the ball would always run to the middle of the terrain, we ended up making movement random to prevent kickoffs to always end up the same way.
As is usually the case with such action-packed scenes, I forget the details but a few things are worth mentioning.
The PCs made ample use of the running rules and managed to score 2 points rapidly. Catching the ball and making a run for it was the strategy that got used the most.
Try as I might, I was unable to score any points with a team of kobolds. Of course, the Invoker made sure to use his status effect powers, like dazing a Kobold skirmisher right before it could grab the ball and make an unopposed beeline for the goal.
While playing, we established a few more rules. You could snatch the ball from an opponent by playing Thievery vs Dex, Athletics vs Str or Acrobatics vs Dex. While we never thought of it, we could also have had a Blitz attack which is like a bull rush (Str vs Fort) except the target falls prone (and drops the ball) instead of moving one square back.
As the game progressed, the HP toll on the kobolds (who couldn’t heal unless one scored a Touchdown) started to be felt. Toward the end of the hour, before the first kobold died, I made a play that exposed a weakness I hadn’t foreseen. You see, I had placed all kobolds of the same type (Skirmishers, Dragonshield) on the same initiative roll. Since the Skirmishers came right before the Dragon shield I made a play to take out the Sorcerer.
I moved all 5 Kobolds to squares adjacent to the Sorcerer (who was already bloodied) and had them delay their standard action to attack at the same time. I scored many hits and I ended up killing the sorcerer.
In order to save the game a bit, I told the remaining 2 players that the sorcerer would be raised for free and allowed back on the field if they managed to score a third touchdown… which they did one or two rounds later!
After one hour (9h15 pm) we stopped the game with a score of 3-0. We were quite happy with how the game turned out and we were awed at the coolness of the new PHB2 classes.
The new classes in play
Seeing the Sorcerer, Invoker and Shaman in play for a few hours has brought me new insights in the classes that reading about them didn’t bring up.
First up, the sorcerer is an amazing class. The powers ooze strength and elemental forces. Yan, who’s usually a strictly melee type of player (because he craves close interaction with in-game elements) told me it was the first time he enjoyed a ranged class. Although, to be quite frank, Yan took all powers that were Blasts and Bursts that he could, so in effect he had a more control-ish build than a pure ranged striker.
Also, it was really refreshing to see an arcane class actually competent in physical skills like athletics. The sorcerer is a clear cut winner.
The Invoker remains my favorite controller class so far. The powers of the Invoker have a certain level of flexibility that make them really interesting to play. For instance, Divine Bolt is an at will ranged attack that can target two creatures and Thunder of Judgment is a Fluffiliscious ranged encounter power that can target up to 3 targets to damage and daze them, but it deals more damage if you only have one target.
The Shaman was the class I wanted to see in play most. It got weak marks in our earlier assessment and I wanted to check if the class was better in play that it felt like in writing. First off, Franky absolutely loved it! He told me that he felt useful and involved as a support class. Like all other leaders, many of its powers provide some form of healing however, the Shaman can do it with at-will powers.
The presence of the spirit really adds a new dimension to tactical fights as it can perform immediate attacks. In fact with a good melee weapon and the healing spirit placed judiciously, the shaman can become quite a hindrance for mobile monsters.
The Spirit of the Healing Flood daily power, which deals damage to enemies in a Burst 5 pattern (that’s huge) also gives regeneration 2 to allies in the blast (provided they are bloodied). The power also allows these allies to discharge the regeneration effect for a straight 10 HP gain without spending a healing surge. That’s better than a healing potion.
However, the shaman does have a weird weakness. The class’s powers aren’t based on Dex or Int. It has no class features that provide bonuses to AC and is limited to cloth or leather armour. This means that a shaman’s AC sucks (On average 13 at level 1). That’s why Franky spent his level 1 feat on Medium armour proficiency and bought a Dwarven Chainmail. You need to keep that in mind if you intend to play one.
So all in all, I’m very satisfied with these 3 new classes. I’ll get to see them in play some more soon enough as some of my players are getting ready to switch PCs in the next campaign that should start in mid-April.
Making the adventure better
Should any of you like to borrow the concept for an evening of mindless mayhem, I can vouch that it works. We had tons of fun. There’s still a few things I’d do to make the game better. I may re-write it into a more comprehensive adventure later if there’s a demand for it, although with all the competing Intellectual Properties involved, I don’t think I could do more than post it as a Fan project.
Scene 1:
I’d consider separating the combat from the skill challenge. Meaning that I wouldn’t allow attacks as part of a success of the challenge. Thus, players would have to chose between fighting and putting on a show to the crowd.
Alternatively, I would allow it but put a maximum number of successes allowed with it (possibly 4 out of a minimum of 12).
Secondly, I wouldn’t skip scene 2 if the challenge is failed. What I suggest is to make scene 2 harder for the PCs by adding higher level opponents in the Bloodbowl team (or its meddling coaching staff) or by adding trap elements to the “game”. Winning the challenge would lead to scene 2 as I wrote it, a game of bloodbowl against a team of monsters whose level matches the party.
Lastly, I’d roll initiative for each monster, not for each “type” as I had done. This would prevent ganging up on one player without allowing the PCs to intervene.
Scene 3
The Zomboni is a scary monster that really works well,. In order to make it a bit less lethal, I’d lower the damage output of its Bonegrind Engulf attack from 3d8+4 to something tamer like 2d8+4 and I’d allow some knowledge checks to warn PCs that getting caught in its immobilizing blast spells ensured doom.
There you have it! It was a blast to play and I managed to go from idea to fully-fleshed-out adventure in just one day. I really love D&D 4e for that!
Using sports as unique encounters is always a favorite of mine. Great little write up with some quick solutions on football type actions!
TheMainEvents last blog post..Inq. of the Week: PHB2 Power Creep
Thanks man! I had a blast with it.
Next Dungeon Reality Show will probably be about inspired by Japanese Obstacle course shows… or Ice Hockey… or Both!
For some reason this reminds me of the football scene from Bedknobs and Broomsticks 😀
greywulfs last blog post..Second Steps with DAZ Studio: Part Zero
Man… how could I have grown up in the 70’s and never have seen that? Isn’t that the guy from Mary Poppins? The children’s father. Seems to have been filmed at about the same time too (60’s).
I love this concept so much… and the little skill checks you just added makes it even cooler.
I’m sure you could turn this into something if you tiptoe around the IPs… (I guess “fan project” would work too).
I’m think I’ll have to steal the base idea of the football game for my campaign…
Hm… let us brainstorm…
The ball becomes a magical artifact that must be destroyed in the lava pit at the end of the map by the players before the monsters take it to the altar at the other end of the map.
Should the artifact make it to the altar… something bad will happen.
Obstacles, passes, using the ball as a weapon, the ball being a danger to one holding it for too long.
I’m getting excited about this idea now!
Eric Maziades last blog post..Kobold Keep Remix Finale – Showdown
Ninja Goalies? Ice Warriors? Why am I suddenly getting visions of The Running Man?
Vulcan Stevs last blog post..Gaming in the Universe of… Super Spies
Sounds like you had a good time.
Ron Baileys last blog post..Ron’s Feed – LivingSocial Books
My online DM is going on vacation for three sessions, so I’m thinking of taking over with something fun like this.
I’m thinking about modifying the first encounter to be a Battle of the (Adventuring) Bands, such that the PCs have to make X number of skill check successes before the other Band makes X-2 (or something) successes. And to keep it from turning into a dice rolling contest, allow each side to attack and disrupt their opponents. I’d have to work out some rules to make sure PCs are bouncing between fighting and skill checking though. Out of curiosity, when you initially designed the skill challenge, which skills did you expect your PCs to use to “show off”?
The Skills I expected to see were:
Athletics for feats of Strength
Acrobatics for Cirque du Soleil-type of antics
Perform for songs and such.
Dungeoneering, Nature, Arcana to get insights in how to manipulate the crowd of Astrals/elementals/undead in the audience.
But Mostly I expected them to use their magic powers as pyrotechnics… it just happened that said expolsives just happened to burst where others were.
Just like any good Heavy Metal show really.
Perform!?!? Men I’m short a skill on all my character sheets and my PHB! 😉
My bad… I’m confusing editions it seems.