It started as a Twitter discussion.
While I was home with my recuperating son, I twittered as a joke that I could write a Stay at Home Mom blog. I jokingly called myself a Chatty Den Mother.
Then some of my readers riffed on the concept, saying it would be some kind of Guardian monsters. The discussion became a meme and a few bloggers agreed to post their own selves as monsters.
So as promised, I give you the Chatty Den Mother.
Thinking of the concept, I though that it would make a great Boss Hyena monster. So I made it into a Hyena Matriarch, making it a Brute Leader with some controllish powers.
I picture it raising whelps and other brutish scavengers for the larger, less nomadic Gnoll tribes.
Maternal Instincts aura 5; Allies in the aura gain concealment |
HP 192; Bloodied 96 | ||||||
AC 19; Fortitude 20, Reflex 19, Will 18 | ||||||
Saving Throws +2 | ||||||
Speed | ||||||
Action Points 1 | ||||||
M Bite (Standard) | ||||||
+10 vs AC; 1d8+5 damage | ||||||
c Protective Howl (Immediate Reaction; encounter) | ||||||
When an ally gets bloodied; Close Burst 5, all allies recover 15 HP. | ||||||
c Menacing Howl (Standard; recharge 56) ? Fear | ||||||
Close Blast 5, +8 vs Will, 3d10+5 Psychic Damage and push target 3 squares | ||||||
Pack Attack | ||||||
A Chatty Den Mother deals an extra 2d6 damage against an enemy adjacent to two or more of the Chatty Den Mother’s allies | ||||||
Skills Athletics +12, Stealth +11 | ||||||
If you want to use this monster to best effect, set it in a cave encounter with several level 2 Hyenas and maybe a few hyena minions (check the Hyena whelps in the D&D Compendium). Place a few pits where the Den mother can push enemies in them and you’re set for a good combat.
Thanks to Asmor for his excellent Monster Maker.
What no Sun Minions?
Vulcan Stevs last blog post..RPG Bloggers – Monsterized
I followed another line of inspiration dear friend.
I make a mean bitch they say 😛
I think the aura should read:
Allies in the aura gain concealment
Asmors last blog post..Ensemble
Maternal Instincts…/snort
I like the ring of being a harpy of sorts…I think M. might agree.
@Asmor: Corrected, thanks!
@Heather: I’m glad you approve!
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