Dave come out with a lot of good information from New York Comic Con, and last week he asked if we attend non-work conventions and how often. A large majority of 42% are occasional attenders, responding ‘A few times, when I can‘. The second largest group at 20% have never gone to cons at all, 16% of you attend conventions regularly, and then 10% of you used to go to cons but don’t anymore. It’s nice to see NYCC coming more into its own and spreading some of the love to the east coast.
Just under a year ago Dave and I were getting our first looks at 4th Edition Dungeons & Dragons, and now it really feels like the edition is going ahead full steam (maybe even TOO fast?) with a growing list of supplements coming out and the second round of the core books coming out very soon starting with the PHB2 in a month. With Dave’s recent discussion of the Draconomicon on the Tome Show, and reading through Open Grave on my own, I began to wonder how many people have bought these books. This led me back to a thought I had when 4E first came out, with the shift of magic items to the Player’s Handbook it became much less important for players that aren’t DMs to buy the Dungeon Master’s Guide and the Monster Manual, and back then I wondered how many people bought all three anyway. These curiosities have now combined into this poll!
[poll id=”113″]
If there’s a book that you particularly like or don’t like please share in the comments, I’m very interested to see which books are the top sellers and which ones are favorites among fans.
Does pre-order count for the last two?
*looks for consumer whore multiclass feat*
Milambus´s last post: Introducing new players to DnD 4E
None of the above. I might pick up the 4E Starter set for a “pick up” game or if someone really wants to play 4E. With the old books I have and the many free RPGs floating around, I’ve found it extremely unlikely I’m going to buy 4E books.
Chgowiz´s last post: We Game – Dark Ages
I bought Open Grave, but don’t own any of the other books (since I’m not currently playing 4e). I’m a huge fan of undead, so the Open Grave book provides me with new material that I can repurpose into other systems.
Mad Brew´s last post: If RPGs Were Religions
Have the core books and the Adventurer’s Vault so that I can give my players more than just healing potions without having to make things up on my own…
Rev begins to wonder if these polls’ only purpose is to satiate curiosity, or even that they’re simply a results of habit…
Reverend Mike´s last post: Demotivational Monday: Horny Pope
while I own the core 3 books(june birthday gift), I’m highly disappointed with 4th ed. I’ve read them, but can’t even get together enough people to try playing they are all so against it. they are just sitting useless on my shelf.
I said I have PHB2, but that is a lie, I only intend on buying it. I really haven’t played much 4E, but I like the system a lot, in general, and I just like having rules on making characters. I also tend to use classed characters as villains when I run anyway. As for DMing, once I get a few adventures into a system I typically make my own stuff up anyway so the DMing aides never really sell to me that well.
TheMainEvent´s last post: YouTube Tuesday: Singing about Kissing Wookies Edition
You know, Main Event, you made me just think about something I like in 4e…players dont need the “DM only-ish” books, and also, since Monster powers are just about anything, less of the rules lawyers can ‘quote’ your monster back at you at the gaming table.
@Bob – if you have not already, join the RPGA online, for free. Then you can search in x miles of your area for 4e games. Since some of my ole friends would not even try 4e and had no idea (and still don’t) what they were talking about when they bashed it, I found a secondary RPGA week night gaming group to run it for. They all tried it with hesitation, and now we jones for it weekly! We’re having a great time.
Doesn’t hurt to post at your FLGS if they allow it.
GrecoG´s last post: Controversial Trek
I’ve got the PHB, but acquired it as GM loot from Ropecon. The edition is not a good fit for regular play for me, though I would like to try it for some weeks. Not worth buying anything for.
(Except maybe Draconomicon, because there’s dragons there. Maybe.)
None. I’m interested, but until my group is willing to play, there are too many other things to spend my money on.
David´s last post: Spyglass Miniatures Returns as Eolith
I own the three core rule books (PHB, DMG, MM) and the AV and MP. As I’m not currently the DM of my group and likely won’t be again for some time I have no intention of buying DM only books. I will be picking up PHB2 and likely the Arcane Powers when it’s released.
However, as I’m a DDI subscriber and all the content from the books ends up in both the Compendium and the Character Builder I’m not sure how much extra I’ll buy.
Wimwick´s last post: Skill Training
None of the above (although the poll won’t accept that as an answer).
I gave it a try, but was distinctly underwhelmed. That could have been the game, it could have been the GM, it might have had something to do with my life falling apart at the time (I’ve stitched it up since).
I’m going to give 4e another shot (with a different group) but I’m currently enjoying a bunch of other games far more.
I’ve just started running some 3.5. It started out as a simple dungeon crawl (one of the Dungeon Crawl Classics) to round off a weekend that was full of Scion (with a lot of investigative stuff in it), but I’ve pulled out some other supplements and have plans to expand it into a proper campaign.
Meanwhile, the group that I played 4E with has switched to Mongoose Traveller (and changed GMs) and we’re having a lot of fun with that.
David Dorward´s last post: WordPress Upgrade
I bought the core books. I bought a fair number of 3e books, until I wearied of the deluge (and found that many of them contained stuff we just didn’t end up using.) The groups I play with seem pretty content to play basics (without a lot of call for more feats and powers and the like.)
I’m disappointed that the 4e PHB will really end up being three books (or more). But I understand why from a revenue-stream standpoint. I’ll buy other 4e PHBs and Monster Manuals if it looks like the 4e group I’m playing with wants to continue with that edition. Currently there are a pair of old-school gamers agitating for the group to switch back to 3e…
Oh dear. I have all of these apart from the two that aren’t out yet! My favourite so far is definitely Manual of the Planes. As a Planescape fan, I didn’t think I’d like the new cosmology but I’ve been won over to the dark side.
RichGreen´s last post: Green Man Tweeting
Same as rich, all but the unreleased. I have Manual of the Planes but haven’t had the chance to do anything more than skim it. I need to get on the ball.
I’ve got everything except: Draconomicon, Martial Power, Delve, FRPG, and PHII. Though Martial Power & the FRPG were bought by another player in the group. And I’ve got Delve on preorder, while another player has PHII on preorder.
So, yeah, basically everything.
I’d like to pick up the FRCG, but I’ve got no interest in non-core books. That may change should I find myself gaming again with any regularity.
I have the first 5 and Manual of the Planes. I ordered the PHB2. I will not buy the Draconomicon I: Chromatic Dragons or any other Draconomicon books. I only purchased Forgotten Realms Campaign Guide & Forgotten Realms Player’s Guide to satisfy Living Forgotten Realms RPGA stuff. If I get players that want any info from the books I don’t have, they will have to buy the book to play it at my table. I don’t plan to buy much else because I don’t need it to play my home game. This is my standard pattern I buy the main books and monster manuals and manuals of the planes everything else I ignore until someone buys it for me or donates it to me. In 3.X I made it to 38 books though I only bought 10 myself, the others were gifted to me or donated.
I have none of the above… I wanted to pick the Player’s Guide at the last convention I went to but my friend didn’t allow such a travesty to occur in this presence…
I’ve got two PHB’s. Just to note, I’d vote twice on that if I could.
@dar: LOL, you get bonus points!
@Lunatyk: No matter who might think 4th Edition is a “travesty”, you should check it out if you’re interested.
@Everyone: I apologize profusely for forgetting to provide a “None” option, it has been added in now for all of you who don’t own any 4th Edition books whether you play the game and mooch off your friends (Joshx0rfz) or if you hate 4th Edition with a passion (few choice words), now you can vote also and feel special. Not as special as Dar, of course.
Thank you to everyone who’s voted, this is actually giving us some really good information!
@Bartoneus I’m definitely interested, I always wanted to check out what this DnD thing is all about… I prefer starting out with new editions rather than go hunt down older books…
I’ve decided to commit to owning the complete collection. Initially I resisted this idea, thinking that I would design my own world and cosmology from scratch and therefore would only need the core books. However, the more I read about the D&D cosmology, the more I realize that it provides me with an abundance of rich material to work with, which I can further augment with my own creations and ideas as needed.
D&D is my number one hobby, and as hobbies go, the financial commitment is fairly modest. I’m an older guy on financially sound ground, and for me, owning these books is worth the cost. Reading them and using them in my campaign gives me many hours of enjoyment. Back when I was a starving graduate student (quite literally), I no doubt would have felt differently and probably would have purchased only the books I considered essential. But I’m older now, I’ve paid my dues, and I’m going to treat myself to the whole darn collection. 😉
I bought most of the books so far…on 2009 i intend to be more picky, and buy just the best books.
NERDCORE´s last post: PHB 2: Quase um preview – As Classes
Just interessed in PHB II and primal power books, can’t wait to play with barbarian