The most popular trait among campaigns? Character driven, which is favored by 60% of you. 48% of you enjoy being heroes, and 39% of you enjoy that old sandbox to play in. (We may make an argument otherwise in an upcoming article.) The least popular trait? Playing the villain, with only 5% enjoying that style.
I considered asking, because of what this Saturday is, about your relationship status. But I just did that a few months ago, so instead I will ignore the holiday entirely! Take that, romance.
Instead, I’ll just ask about a subject that has been on my mind lately: that of the convention. What better place to meet others who share your hobbies, and argue about them? (Not counting the Internet, of course.)
I’m an old hand at the convention scene, but how about you? I’m not talking about a convention you’ve attended for work (though there may be some overlap), I’m talking about a con you’ve gone to for fun. Gaming, science fiction, comics, Star Trek, anime, whatever you like.
[poll id=”112″]
And of course, do tell us which ones you do/did/would like to attend.
Other. DDXP last weekend was my first Con. It will not be my last.
Milambus´s last post: Introducing new players to DnD 4E
My ConCherry remains unpopped…
Reverend Mike´s last post: Demotivational Monday: Drowning in Saliva
Just got back from Owlcon, a smallish general gaming con in Houston, TX. Never have been to one of the MEGACONS, but would love to some day.
is that a blue skinned He-Man?
I actually met my other half at a Sci-Fi con about 9 years ago. We’ve been happily married for 3 years now.
Alex´s last post: DOUBLEDUMP 2.0
I have visited Ropecon yearly since first attending. I also visited Tracon once, but too much anime, too little roleplay.
I went to GW’s UK Games Day a few times in my youth.. I haven’t been for years now though, and have yet to get involved in any RPG-centric ones. Hopefully when I move this summer to a bigger city I will find some roleplay buddies and perhaps then I’ll take the plunge.
Still virginal, which is inexcusable considering I live almost directly between Indy and Columbus.
Wampus: Where at? I went to Miami University (which is between the two, then south) and lived not too far from 70 in that same area.
If I remember correctly, that blue He-Man is called Fakor.
newbiedm´s last post: NewbieDM Review: Alea Tools
I went to comic conventions in Seattle (once) and Portland when I collected (late high school and early college). I’ve been to GenCon twice, and while I wasn’t required to go for work, both times I had work-like commitments I had to keep (signings, running demos of an adventure I wrote).
Kameron´s last post: Growing an outline into a story
Being in Yakima, Washington I’m only really close to PAX (Penny-Arcade expo). Unfortunately, it’s always scheduled the weekend of my anniversary, so I haven’t attended.
There are no other Cons in my area that are either A) large enough to attend. or B) have anything to do with the types of games I’m interested in.
I’d love to hit up DDxp or Gen*Con some year, though.