You can now generate characters of all 30 levels using the newly updated Character Builder if you’re a D&DI subscriber. Otherwise, you can still download the level 1-3 trial version. I’m still figuring out the details of how many computers I can install it on from the announcement thread on the WotC forums.
The interface hasn’t changed much since I previewed it a few months ago, and I have already found a bug or two when inputting the 4th level version of my Eladrin Wizard/Warlock. Still, I think this will be a big help to the two groups I play with.
(Thanks to Questing GM for the tip).
ADDENDUM: It looks as though the unreleased Bard, Druid, and Invoker classes are there, though I just tried to make a 10th level Druid and was restricted to picking from the first 3 levels of powers. More investigation will have to be done to see how much new material is there.
Thanks for the linkback! I’m honored.
Hope that the Builder is working out for you.
Questing GM´s last post: One More Things
My understanding is that you can install on as many computers as you want. When you install it you get the basic level 1-3 same as with the demo/beta. For each installation you have the option of logging in with your DDI account and password in order to ‘update’. It is with these updates that you get the full 30 levels. You only have 5 updates though.
Now, it also appears that each month, after they release new content, that your updates will refresh.
So if you have 10 computers you can install it on all 10 of them, but only 5 of them can be ‘updated’ for the full level 30 treatment. But then next month, you should be able to ‘update’ the other 5 and get the new content plus full 30 levels… the original 5 will have the 30 levels, but not the new content. I think…
Tools like this will be the reason I become an Insider, if I ever get around to it. I am totally psyched about the online game table.
I copied this from the install of Character Builder (note the ‘preview’ material at the bottom):
The current data set available to create characters includes material from:
Player’s Handbook
Dungeon Master’s Guide
Monster Manual
Forgotten Realms Player’s Guide
Forgotten Realms Campaign Guide
Adventurer’s Vault
Martial Power
Draconomicon: Chromatic Dragons
Manual of the Planes
Online Magazines
Dragon Issues 364–370
Dungeon Issues 155–161
H1 Keep on the Shadowfell
H2 Thunderspire Labyrinth
H3 Pyramid of Shadows
P1 King of the Trollhaunt Warrens
P2 Demon Queen’s Enclave
FR1 Scepter Tower of Spellgard
Preview Content
The Artificer, levels 1–30 (to appear in Eberron Player’s Guide)
The Barbarian, levels 1–30 (to appear in Player’s Handbook 2)
The Bard, levels 1–10 (to appear in Player’s Handbook 2)
The Druid, levels 1–3 (to appear in Player’s Handbook 2)
The Invoker, levels 1–3 (to appear in Player’s Handbook 2)
It’s very cool that all the published paper modules and all Dragon/Dungeon content is uploaded too. I saw the magic sword from Keep on the Shadowfell–so if you played that adventure and picked up that item, the Builder will allow you to add it to your character and equip it, not only with its correct stats and description and fluff, but also noting where it came from, if you or the DM ever forget.
Simple, but I think very, very cool.
GrecoG´s last post: Controversial Trek
??? I also have Open Grave in my dataset list – is that missing from yours, Krog?
Open Grave must be missing. I suppose it could’ve been in a new update or something a couple of days later. I haven’t tried updating yet…
It’s ridiculous that Wizards requires a subscription to access and update the character builder for the game we’ve already purchased. I could see including it as a “free bonus” to subscribers, but for those of us that don’t care about any of the other stuff that comes with the insider subscription, there should be another option.
For example: Steve Jackson Games sells their GURPS Character Builder software for a one-time fee, and you can update it freely whenever patches or new material is added (just like most any other software you’ve paid money for.)
It’s almost like Wizards is trying to get in on the MMO cash-cow without actually making an MMO.
Heroforge (a free D&D 4e character creator) goes into open beta in May: If Wizards keep charging a monthly fee for their character builder after Heroforge is released, they’ve got balls of depleted uranium.
Considering they put ALL their new info into each update of the character builder, I can’t see how you can complain too much.
Each and every power created and published in a dragon/dungeon magazine, any new books, etc, etc… they are all included in a common place, and added as options for new/existing characters. This is a far better product than any character generation program has ever been. I, for one, am very happy to pay my $60/year to have this tool as well as access to every new product. I don’t really see the down here…