What happens when a beer-chugging rock band goes up against a group of LARPers? The results might surprise you. Warning: this video is metal. (via ENWorld)
About Dave
Dave "The Game" Chalker is the Editor-in-Chief and Co-Founder of Critical Hits. Since 2005, he has been bringing readers game news and advice, as well as editing nearly everything published here. He is the designer of the Origins Award-winning Get Bit!, a freelance designer and developer, son of a science fiction author, and a Master of Arts. He lives in MD with e and at least three dogs.
Hammer says
I am not currently working out how long it’ll take me to drink enough beer to do that, and improve the armour design for joint protection.
Hammer´s last post: Tofu & Mushroom Stroganoff
Chgowiz says
I’m not sure who I want to party with more, the band or the LARPers! Hilarious stuff!
Jack Crow says
That was awesome!!!
Jack Crow´s last post: Blogs I like and you should too
The Game says
So, who has stats for Beermail armor?
Jeffrey Horn says
I dunno the stats, but it looked like it made them *easier* to hit.
Vampir says
Larpers are dangerous folk…
Grungydan says
Totally. Awesome!