Wow… that’s been quite a year.
2008 marked my first full year as a RPG blogger.
It was also a year filled with amazing achievements and some humbling realizations.
I intially wanted to review last year’s objectives but after agonizing over that post for 2 days I decided to drop it and take another tack.
Last year has seen the peek and the steepiest dive of my 18 months old blogging ‘career’.
A peek in that I was consecrated as one of the top RPG bloggers on the net. When I saw the number of comments on some of my posts explode and when bloggers and game designers at Gen Con told me ‘Hey, I know who you are’ when I introduced myself.
It does not get much better than that.
More than that, I think I initially secured a place as a community leader to a certain extent. I got Wizards of the Coast to notice what I had to say, I got to create a few little things like TwitRPG, the Inter-Review format for RPG reviews, I got a little consulting GM gig on the side and I even goit a contract to write a D&D adventure, without anything more to prove my skills than my Blog’s content!
Among all these awesome achievements also resides the RPGBloggers Network… a success so grand that it exploded past our capacities to handle it in mere months. The untapped potential of this community is staggering and I have a few ideas, along with my partners, to take it to the next level in the coming year.
I have a bigger future online. It’s calling to me I know. Ignoring it is getting harder…
Which partly explains that I also took the steepest dive of my short-lived career. When the Gen Con creative juice ran out, I came face to face with a ton of cool project I had started AND a day job that was screaming more and more for my undivided attention.
My mind started to melt and I went into turtling mode.
That lead to a severe case of blogging burnout that shakes me to this day.
I now understand more where this burnout comes from and I’m starting to see the path to address it.
In the meantime, I’ve learned a new blogging lesson…
All writers know that writing consistently readable prose is hard. While I’m blessed with a gift that makes writing somewhat easier for me, I learned a hard lesson in the last few days as I started flirting with my laptop’s keyboard again:
When you break your writing rhythm, when you stop churning pages after pages of text like you used to, getting back into it is one of the hardest things you’ll ever do. Heck, I’m not sure I can (or should) try.
Many people have called me insane for churning out on average more than one post a day for more than a year (this is post #536)… I have now joined that rank! 🙂
Anyhoo, I’m still here. Maybe not as Chatty, maybe not as present on other people’s blogs. However, I’ll go to hell and back before I stop doing the thing that brings me such pleasure and motivation!
I’ve lots of post ideas bubbling up. Tropes, reviews, GMing tips and whatnot.
I am the Chatty DM. I’m a Gamer, I’m a Writer and while I may be a bit insane, all this together made me how I am.
I’m proud to have achieved so much in so little time and I’m eternally thankful that you gals and guys are still hanging around reading.
Here’s to an interesting year! May the next one be as eventful and varied! Tomorrow I’ll post my 2009 objectives and then we’ll go back to our scheduled programming.
Congrats on a great 2008, Chatty! Here’s hoping 2009 exceeds your expectations!
Rafes last blog post..The Three "R"s of Session Planning
Something I’ve seen used in other genres of blogging is go around and check out the other blogs on the network. When you see one that looks well written, that you enjoy reading but that maybe doesn’t have alot of traffic – email the author and invite them to guest author on your blog.
As popular as you’ve gotten, you can only both win.
Viriathas last blog post..Political Map of Valiant
@Rafe: Thanks! I will endavour to make 2009 special!
@Viriatha: You know that’s a a great idea that would go along 100% with my community builder skills. I could very well have an open mike day and invite bloggers to have a go here.
I’m seriously pondering this.
Great! Keep us posted, I know I’d love to do it (hint, hint lol).
Seriously, though, I can’t take credit – it’s something I’ve seen done on every subject from blogs about blogging to blogs about housekeeping.
Viriatha, you just gave me 2 ideas for next year! “Chatty Presents:” where I present a less known RPG blog and bring up a few of its best posts and “Open Mike” where guest posters show thier skills here.
Hmmm, good stuff!
Oh and I took note of your hints… 🙂
YAY! Glad to be able to help 🙂
You’ve changed man! I don’t even know you anymore! 😉
Thanks for everything you’ve done and here’s to a great 2009!
Tony Laws last blog post..It’s been a busy year. Here’s to next year!
Glad to see you back in front of the PC and I’m really looking forward to seeing just where the RPG Bloggers network goes from here in 2009.
Bobs last blog post..“The First Amendment does not cover MERPing”
Happy New Years! Thanks for a great 2008 and here’s to a great 2009!
Congratulations for a good year of RPGing and Blogging.
I’ve loved specially your entries about the adventures played with your son. We must take care for the next generation of RPGers and Bloggers ;).
Best regards and happy 2009,
Carlos de la Cruzs last blog post..Resumen del 2008 y propósitos para el 2009