When the Senior Brand Manager of D&D declares this to be good enough to be the next D&D movie, you know it’s going to be awesomely bad. Watch for a special appearance by Doctor Doom!
About Dave
Dave "The Game" Chalker is the Editor-in-Chief and Co-Founder of Critical Hits. Since 2005, he has been bringing readers game news and advice, as well as editing nearly everything published here. He is the designer of the Origins Award-winning Get Bit!, a freelance designer and developer, son of a science fiction author, and a Master of Arts. He lives in MD with e and at least three dogs.
Man, to have a kick-ass D&D movie… it is ever elusive and I doubt there will be one anytime soon.
I would say to try their hand at animation first, but after watching the recent Dragonlance animated movie, perhaps there is no hope.
Mad Brew´s last post: RPG Blogging Tools II: Promotion & Measurement
Don’t give up hope! Just because Dragonlance decided to be incoherent and randomly mix animation styles doesn’t mean it can’t be done.
Don’t forget that it also had Goblin jizz! That made it super-awesome!
Tony Law´s last post: Gamers Helping Gamers
I actually liked this video and thought it was awesome — but you lose the main attraction when you watch it on YouTube. The Philomela chick is really, really pretty and you can’t tell at that resolution — here’s the flash version.
Having a great D&D movie isn’t so elusive…I have proof right here!…although I guess it’s a different kind of good D&D movie…
Now having a SECOND great D&D movie…that is a property slipperier than a greased-up watermelon…
Reverend Mike´s last post: UPDATE!
Did a top brass Wizards guy really say that? Is it the same guy that was doing the podcasts and got fired? I’ve yet to see the details, but I would imagine endorsing this video is grounds for dismissal.
claytonian´s last post: Concerning Comments
Oh, don’t worry, claytonian. It’s this new D&D mechanic they’ve invented.
They’re calling it “sarcasm”, or “humour”, or something inane like that.
Scott Rouse is a huge proponent of new and innovative mechanics. 😛
Considering he posted in a thread marked “humor” I would assume it wasn’t meant to be serious, or job-threatening.