Ken Levine’s keynote speech from the latest Penny Arcade Expo is fantastic, so I’ve embedded it here. He talks extensively about what it was like growing up as a nerd in the 70’s, and talks extensively about finding a gaming group. Not only does he share much of how I feel, it’s a hilarious talk- he uses the phrase “Gygaxian Gingerbread House” at one point. It’s about half an hour long, but well worth listening to.
Thanks to joshx0rfz for sending it my way.
Great vid. Has quite a few D&D references in it so its definitely worth watching even if you aren’t into video games. Its something all of us “nerds” can relate to, no matter how we express our nerddom.
Triumph of the Will indeed…
Reverend Mike´s last post: Seinfeld + D&D = Win