If you want to keep up with my numerous projects, without having to jump all over my no less numerous websites, I invite you to subscribe to my most excellent (cough) content on your windows bookmarks or your favorite RSS reader (I like Google Reader myself).
Please follow these awesome links:
Chatty Studios: My new RPG design studio. Featuring all things Kobold Love (New KL post today and another tomorrow)
Musings of the Chatty DM: This here blog about my games, thoughts and RPG Rockstar/Overlord antics.
The Life of a Suburban Overlord: My Photo webcomic. I’m into my 3rd week and so far I’m proud of the result.
All subscribers are automatically made members of the super secret Knighthood of Bacon, so get your spot now, places are unlimited!
</shameless self promotion>
I didn’t know you had a photo webcomic! Thanks for feeding us. 😉
Questing GMs last blog post..Word of Wizards – 26/9/2008
Sweet! I didn’t know you had a profile on Twitter, either. Thanks for showing us where we can find you!
I’m a fan of Opera’s reader, meself. Just added the feed I was missing.