We’ve switched hosts! And now on to getting the new theme up and running…
I’m sick and tired of our hosting company being, well, outright jerks, so we’ll be moving to a new host over the next few days, hopefully sooner rather than later. But be warned that comments you make might be swallowed up during the process, and there may be some intermittant downtime.
Thanks for your patience and understanding.
Stay away! I want nothing to do with you bunch of infernal spawns of Orcus!
The Chatty DM’s last post: Chatty’s Question: Reactions to your RPG hobby?
That explains things…
Damn binary subconscious demons!…
Reverend Mike’s last post: The Only Thing Better Than Hitler On Ice
CH: “Let us know what the problem is, and we’ll try to fix it right away. We don’t like downtime and would love to avoid it in the future.”
Hosting company: “The problem is YOU! Fix it or we don’t want your money anymores.”
I like the new layout– very clean and nice looking.
Thanks Scott! I think the most impressive thing is that this seems like the first theme Dave and I have BOTH really liked.
I like the new theme too! Really crisp and easy on the eyes. Nicely done 😉
Tomcat1066´s last post: Four Unique & Interesting Ways To Bring About The Apocalypse