So remember that contest I told you all to enter, where the prizes were custom RPG sounds from World of Twilights Studio? Turns out I won the grand prize. Funny, huh? (I also won a prize in the one-sentence NPC contest, so I guess pimping other people’s contests works.)
Well, I’ve been emailing back and forth with Giorgio of World of Twilights Studio for my prizes. I’m very happy with the final products, and it was a very easy process. He was responsive, clearly has considerable resources for putting these together (one of the pieces even involved custom fake-Latin voice acting!), and very fast. Great work all around.
I would have loved to share with you all the great work that was done, but he requested I not post them online, except for one sample. It’s a shame because I think the work is excellent and want to advertise it, but I’m going to respect the artist’s wishes in wanting to get some form of payment for use of his hours of work that I paid nothing for.
I requested the following for one of my scenes: “An older male elf laughs maniacally but also cries out as he is transformed into something sinister.” This was for my D&D game last Saturday when a ritual goes wrong and an Elven noble is transformed into a Drow. Here was the end result:
Thanks again to World of Twilights Studio and Gnome Stew!
That is seriously cool! I’m just straight jealous. That is a seriously cool sound.
I need to pimp more contests I guess. I’m just now having my own at my site, so I’ll have to start pimping contests afterwards 😉
Tomcat1066’s last post: Accurately Playing Heroism In RPGs.
Congrats on the prize! 😉
Questing GM’s last post: Simple Homebrews: Mix and Match
Congrats, and it’s very cool to hear the final products. Though I am a bit disappointed that they weren’t as silly as the concept originally, I’m VERY impressed that World of Twilights is taking the sounds so seriously and producing such good products.
Having experienced the elf transforming and the associated sound (which i thought might be followed by a PC death) I remember thinking; “Wow. How the heck did he manage to track THAT clip down?”
This explains it all.
Dark Young: And if you think that was something, wait’ll you see what comes later.
I have to say, it was pretty cool when Dave said: “and this is what you hear” followed by the laughter starting.
I’m disappointed you didn’t get the clip of me dying in a fire.
joshx0rfz’s last post: Changing hosts, expect weirdness