Sorry for the delay, between site issues (which unfortunately might not be solved yet) and our massive GenCon coverage, i was delayed in announcing the nominees for YouTube of the Year! Doing a YouTube every week is what really knocked me into doing a schedule for Critical Hits and (I think) a key part of our success from turning the site into just another blog to something much more. Plus, I really like watching YouTubes, and didn’t feel as though anyone was doing something like this.
So, without further ado, here’s the nominees for the Best YouTube of the Year!
[poll id=”91″]
The voting will run for a full week! Please check them all out and vote today!
I hate going back on my word…
Couldn’t manage to get the group together due to scheduling conflict…not to mention that most of my ideas are only half-developed anyway…so, better to work towards a quality sequel than rush out of the gates with what little I already have and deliver something not quite up to par…
Though I could certainly put together a teaser trailer…maybe I’ll squeeze that out once I’m finished moving in to me new dorm…
“…maybe I’ll squeeze that out once I’m finished moving in to me new dorm…”
I’m still trying to figure out how to take that sentence…?
Take it the way your mind’s eye sees it…because that’s the way I wrote it…
*distant cackling*
Glad to see that only a few hours after posting, we already have more people voting than in last year’s awards!
I’m definitely rooting for the Portal video to win, but if the D&D Gnome video wins I won’t be TOO sad.
Also just sad that music videos aren’t up for voting, as Knights of Cydonia is just too awesome!
Three way close race! (The one I voted for is not among the three…)
Pulling for Portal, though Racing Furniture is a close second for me…
Reverend Mike’s last post: Sermon #1: Don’t Play With Wormholes
My vote just put the Gnome video ahead 19 to 18. Though I didn’t watch the Dead Fantasy, it’s way too long to keep my attention.
…”I’m a monster! Raaawwwwrrr!”…
OMG, I think my laughing just got me in trouble!
OK WotC, I forgive you not putting them in the PHB. Cam you do another for the half-orc?
Donny_the_DM’s last post: You have got to be kidding me…