- In brightest day, in blackest night,
- No evil shall escape my sight
- Let those who worship evil’s might,
- Beware my power…Green Lantern’s light!
So, an epic superhero space movie that draws out the Sinestro/Hal Jordan relationship and seeds the beginnings of Guy Gardner?? Seriously, Green Lantern is perhaps the best established comic franchise yet to be exploited by the movie industry. It has the potential to be a Star Wars esq hit with the right creative team.
As pretty much everything to do with superheroes is becoming a movie lately, I reckon it won’t be long before we see an Ambush Bug movie 🙂
Mind you, I wouldn’t object to a Booster Gold movie and that’s pretty much the same thing…..
But Green Lantern? Sure. I can see that; I’d love to see the Alpha Lanterns on the big screen.
Mind you, I ache for a decent Moon Knight movie too just to knock seven bells off Batman’s smug chops for coolness.
Comic geeks. We’re such….. uh….. geeks!
greywulf’s last post: Our alien mistress
Green Lantern could be an incredible movie. The sci-fi/space opera stuff is pretty unique now; nothing like the current fantasy or superhero trends.
And two of the writers – Guggenheim and Green – are currently working as comic writers as well. That makes this comic nerd happy.
I would LOVE to see a good Green Lantern movie. I usually skip opening nights of movies because I hate crowds, but for a Green Lantern movie? Oh hell yeah!!!! Butter my butt and call me popcorn if I’m not there! 😉
Tomcat1066’s last post: So Far, As Part of RPGBloggers.com…