WoTC has served up their latest helping of errata for 4e. While most of it appears to be simple clarifications and actual fixes for typos, there are a few morsels worth noting and savoring.
- Some Endurance checks are more difficult
- Active Perception checks are a Minor Action instead of Standard Action
- Stealth completely rewritten (move action, total cover/superior concealment to start, etc)
- Stealth and Invisible Creatures, Targetting What You Can’t See, etc – clarified and tied into the Stealth/Perception changes
- Brew Potion ritual was changed from 5th level to 1st level
- Several monsters gain significant boosts to their attack damage
any word on when they plan on adding the “4.1” errata in for a reprint?
After the 3.0 fiasco, I’ve been hesitant to order books immediately after release. Who playtests this stuff?
Donny_the_DM’s last post: A depraved story: Funniest gaming moment…
I just realized some of those changes might be from the previous errata. I didn’t think to check which ones were new 🙂
“Multiclass Striker damage clarified to only be activated “until the end of your next turn” which means you can get, at most, 2 hits in of extra damage for multiclassed Hunter’s Quarry, Backstab, Warlock’s Curse”
I haven’t read up on it yet, but doesn’t this contradict the previous errata that says curse/quarry can only proc. once per round?
I edited the original post to only include the new stuff. There doesn’t seem to be any new rules with regards to Strikers and their extra damage at all so it should be unchanged from the last errata.
So… yea, Striker extra damage only once per round.
Multiclass Striker extra damage is only good for 2 rounds at most.
With so much drastic erratas, I getting more and more reluctant to buy a hardcopy of the core books until the erratas are printed in them.
Questing GM’s last post: Forgetting the Realms? Part 2
Indeed; I’m trying to figure out the best way to add the errata to the books I bought (since it’s pretty extensive, and often non-intuitive and difficult to remember stuff). Any suggestions? I’m currently thinking of cutting out strips of paper and putting those in the bindings, so when you turn to a page the errata is there. Difficulty: I don’t really want to mark up the books, because they’re pretty :p
I am erasing my books and just writing in the new errata…
When it’s a crap load ie: stealth; I just print it out with a size 6 or 7 font, and paste it right over the book with tape.
Screw it. The books are pretty, but correct rules outweigh how it might look…
What’s the point of brew potions becoming a level 1 ritual? With it you can brew any potion of your level or lower, but the lowest potion in the PHB is 5th. Unless this is for the upcoming Adventurer’s Vault, where they might have lower level potions. Guess I may have answered my own question.
what? no credit to the guy who told you about the eratta? FOR SHAME TONY, FOR SHAME!
Roguebyte: Yea it sounds like you answered your own question. Wizards released an excerpt showing Alchemy stuff that will be in the Vault book with a lot more options added.