The Dark Knight dominated its second weekend, but who is surprised by that with competition like the way late X-Files movie sequel and Will Ferrell’s latest movie Step Brothers? It raked in $75 million on its second weekend, which is very impressive and left the second place movie way behind at $30 million. Last week Dave asked, quite poignantly, which Batman characters should appear in the next / third ‘new’ Batman movie. The results are that 36% of you would like to see Catwoman in the next movie, with a whopping 30% considering the Riddler as a good fit to take on Batman after the Joker and Two-face. Rounding it out was Superman with 20%, Poison Ivy with 19%, and somehow 14% of you voted for the Penguin. Come on, seriously? Have you SEEN the penguin? I suppose Nolan’s creative takes on the characters so far could translate to a very interesting villain with the Penguin, but compared to Mr. Freeze? I won’t even get into the 11% that voted for Robin showing up…
Fresh off of a weekend chock-full of D&D, Dave ran his game on Saturday and I ran mine yesterday, we’re ready to solve a debate about which epic Dungeons & Dragons monster would win in an all-out fight with the other classic / hilarious monsters that have shown up over the years to terrorize high level characters and destroy worlds.
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Everything is better with the addition of a Nunchuking Bear! Watch out, he’s a ninja!
I’m confused as to how the gargantuan cube has an early lead over the colossal red dragon, seeing as they have wings to escape engulfment and a size up to boot..
A bear with nunchuks is only second to a bear with a chainsaw…
What about a bear with chainsaw nunchuks?
I’m not going to try thinking about that one…sounds like the CR is way too high for anything else here…
I soooo want the Gelatinous Cube mini! Gimme!
Geek’s Dream Girl’s last post: Are your Instant Messaging Buddies in the Monster Manual?
We once ran a third edition combat pitting the tarrasque against a great gold wyrm. The dragon won, but only because he was able to keep spamming polymorph any object as flesh to stone until one hit.
In a direct fight, the tarrasque is superior. It’s immune to teh dragon’s breath weapon and its regeneration makes Fly-By Attack worthless. The tarrasque’s higher damage output gives it the edge in straight melee.
If we include minions, Orcus is probably wise enough to bring his posse of liches, who will certainly outsmart and outmagic the tarrasque.
Jonathan Drain’s Dungeons & Dragons Blog’s last post: The Three Minute Monster
I sooo would like to see that Matthew Lesko guy as the Riddler. something about that suit… anyway!
An Awakened Monk Miniature Giant Space-hamster with sword-chucks would win against all of them.
Nerdvana: The concept of chainsaw-chuks is ridiculously awesome! It makes almost as little sense as lightsaber nunchuks (need to kill whoever thought of that one), but I still love it!
Darvin: Matthew Lesko is actually from PA/MD, so I imagine most people don’t even know who you’re talking about. He’s definitely riding on the Riddler’s coattails though.
Also I’m pretty sure I met his son once or twice in college.
Last week, a fellow player created the Fiendish 12-headed Cyro Half Dragon Paragon Hydra Tarrasque…it’s only a CR 52…needless to say, we haven’t defeated it yet…
Should I ask how it’s both Half-Dragon and a Hydra?
Wait, I got it, it’s half-dragon (and the other half is too.)
Yea…I stopped trying to think about it after the 2nd prefix…but I trust that he knows what he’s doing…sort of…