Before I forget!
Only 2 more days to send an entry in the One Sentence NPC contest!
Soooo, Gen Con prep is slowly nearing completion, it’s taking longer than expected but I believe that the GM-Fu Workshop book we’re doing is going to be awesome. So awesome in fact that we plan on making it available online as a free PDF after the convention.
If you’re wondering what I will talk about in the seminar, well I’ll stick to what I do best and discuss Tropes and Player types… No surprises there.
I got a few cool things to share with you this week.
Atomic Colonial Podcast!
Ed Healy, founder of The Forge and Eden Studios has a new podcast called Atomic Array. Along with Rone Barton, they discuss games they love to play. It’s very professionally made and seems to cover games of the Indie persuasion.
Issue number one covers, among other things, a RPG game called Colonial Gothic, a supernatural horror game set at the eve of the American Revolution.
Asmor’s Treasure
He’s done it again! Our friend Asmor is breezing through the D&D 4e tool
First up is the Monster Maker (not to be confused with his previously released 4e Monster Math Cruncher) that lets you make a 4e monster and save it in the form of the now familiar stat bloc.
Dude, as soon as I start playing 4e, I’m going to camp out your site 24/7!
That’s not all! Asmor has also created a tool to help you find 4e Magic Items for your character. Now you plan your purchases/crafting or put them on your wishlist should your DM ask for it before generating the treasure parcels (Somehow that’s just feels so wrong and yet it can be so right!)
Stolen Pixel:
My online buddy and recent World of Warcraft friend (BFD tonight woot!) Shamus Young has launched a new webcomic over at The Escapist (home of the very funny No punctuation video reviews). It’s called Stolen Pixels and Shamus pokes fun at the things that annoy him in Video Games. Having read his posts faithfully for more than a year I know that he’s got material for ages!
The first issue laughs at the Unreal Tournament 3 Solo storyline. It also takes a format that Shamus successfully tested on his blog which is a vertical series of videogames screenshots panels with added comic book dialog besides a colum of Shamus’ usual witty and funny comments.
Way to go for snagging a paid gig Shamus!
I took the occasion to update my favorite webcomic page. It’s one of the blog’s oldest posts, go have a look and suggest comics I might have missed!
That’s it for me this week. I plan on tackling some more Gen Con prep this afternoon and play some more Wow tonight!
Have a great weekend all.
Ooh, Monster Maker! That’s very shiny; I’ve been using a little table template in Word, but this might just beat it out. Considering I’m in the process of crunching up a bunch of ogres, any help I can get is great! Thanks for the link, Chatty 🙂
Kavondes last blog post..Ed’s Review: Hellboy 2: The Golden Army
Thanks for the links! Speaking of links, the last one to your webcomics post is broken.
Asmors last blog post..The Problem with Dragons
Fixed! I’ve got broken linkitis!