Image Credit: Heliopolis at Deviant art
So I joined the Kirin Tor Server after reading that Shamus Young was trying it (and if you read between the lines of his recent posts) liking it.
I was well received in the Pig & Whistle Society guild and have also had the pleasure of buggin Shamus with my semi-witty remarks on the game’s chat.
He’s a super nice guy who will take few seconds from being killed by wolves to chat you up. He’s also very generous with the drops he finds and has mailed me some lots of nice things!
Thing got even more interesting when I was joined by my friend Mike (no not that one… at least not yet) and Asmor with other low level characters.
So I’m going to spend this Friday evening playing the level 10-15 Dranei quests, feel free to join and add Pathuun the Dranei Mage and his Paladin Buddies. We are hyper casual and like to banter on the chat channels (I won’t go voice yet as I don’t want to impose My French Canadian Accent to the world just yet).
Can this lead to something bigger?
Wow is going to be my summer D&D!
Now you need to play the sequel.
SeiferTims last blog post..Progress
I had seen that… Very funny!
Heard of Age of Conan? WoW is for pantsies
Baboune, my dear Sweden bound friend. I have heard of Conan. I’ve been told it’s bug ridden and broken… ๐
Many of my friends are trying to drag me into Conan. I actually did reserve two copies but ended up using that money to pay for Final Fantasy Tactics A2 instead. I just don’t have time to jump into another time sucking MMO right now. I am not convinced I will pick it up after I get settled in either. I kind of dig having time to devote to other things. I know me well enough to know I like the good gear and end game content and just can’t play a game like that casually.
Heathers last blog post..Life: Our Neighbors Are Harboring An Elephant
Me, I’m holding out for Warhammer Online. I’ve felt the WoW bug nibbling at me a few times over the last eight months or so, but I’ve been keeping it at bay with visions of balanced PVP and not having to play Alliance because Horde’s so underpopulated on my server that I can never get a group. *grumble*
Though I’m sure there’ll be similar disparities between Chaos and Order.
Kavondes last blog post..My Turn With the Gauntlet of Media Influences
Age of Conan would be a great game if it was not full of BUGS. Maybe it will be a good game in about a year but for naw if just frustrating.
Chatty: Whay a RP server and not a RP/PvP Server?=/
I can’t imagine playing WoW with out the PvP element. =P
Don’t get me wrong i am not a BG/Arena freak, most of my toons were PvE spec and I hardly ever played any PvP but there is something to be said about the excitement of constantly looking over your shoulder wale getting a quest don.
A RP server is a Role Playing Server… where you’re supposed to give your char a non-retard name and act, at least in part, like this is a true roleplaying game…
RP/PVP is a role playing PvP server…
I just can’t bring myself to participate in any hppby where characters are refered to as “toons.” If I ever sit in the throne of the goddess of lingistics for a day, I shall strike that horrid little word from all lexicons.
Funny thing Ish, I only about characters called toons a few days ago… and I’ve been playing Wow on and off since launch…
Come on man, grab the 10 day free trial!
I only have about two, maybe three, hours a week that I could spare for a hobby beyond roleplaying. Career, college, toddler, wife in law school… et cetra.
$15.00 for ten hours of play time? Membership at the range costs signifigantly less, and I don’t have to worry about downed servers or hardware upgrades.
If MMORPGs didn’t have such a monetary and time-sink barrier to casual play, I might try them. That said, I bought Guild War and only logges about twevle hours total.
Damn you, Phil. Now I’m really thinking about firing up WoW again. ๐
That’s why I’m an evil overlord!
E: Don’t do it E!!! Be strong, resist the temptation. =P
I thought about coming back when I saw this post but WoW with out the PvP is just not WoW for me.=P
Chatty: You still did not anser my questing….Whay a RP(no PvP) and not a RP/PvP server?
Are I don’t play PVP… I freyou asking me why I chose a non PvP server?
Because it’s the one that Shamus Young (from started playing Wow on…
Plus I freaking hate PVPing!
Maybe it is the Viking air I breath. The fact is that I really enjoy playing Conan.
Melee classes are GREAT!! And I really like to decapitate my enemies and bathe in their blood ๐
In any cases, US and European servers don’t mix so …
Chatty: I can’t imagine not playing PVP at least some. Playing against only the computer becomes tedious. I find that only other players can get me really excited about online gaming. IMO the only reason to go online at all is to be with other people…or against them. >:)
@Baboune: Il y a ca… ๐
@TGN: I’m a “play with people” guy… definitively… it’s getting body camped and ganked while going somewhere that I don’t like.
To put it more succinctly:
PVP: cool.
PKing: very not cool.
In any game I play, I want PVP relegated to battlegrounds-style locations or voluntary duels. If I’m harvesting herbs at level 10, and get ganked from behind by a level 70, that is very much not fun.
Getting camped definably sucks but I consider it an occupational hazard=P
Getting ganked I gont mind so mush, If they are 2-4 levers around me i can hold me own and most of the time come out on top.
What I HATE is them 70s that come in to TM just to kill low Lv noobs, they are just Jerks that get there buts handed to them on BG/Arena and come to TM and kill noobs so they dont feel inadequate and make them self feel bettor. >-)
I hardly ever played BG and Arena so I’m not big on PvP but I tried playing a Non-PvP server and I was incredibly bored just playing and leveling up, it just all seemed to be for nothing. Now I can’t imagine playing WoW with out dewing Quest wale looking over my shoulder for an Alliance.
Just wanted to let you know that Shamus was featured into a post at ( ) where he shared his thoughts of what bugs him in WoW… It can be found here: . Very nice, Shamus ๐