I’m at the 2008 Origins Game Fair in Columbus Ohio. Here’s a list of all the posts I’ve done about Origins:
- Travel Day (Podcast)
- Pictures from the Show (updated daily)
- Valerie of Rio Grande Games explains Dominion (Podcast)
- Luke of North Star Games explains Say Anything (Podcast)
- Lucas of Fantasy Flight Games explains Mutant Chronicles CMG (Podcast)
- Origins Awards Winners
- Steve from Kenzer & Co explains Aces & Eights (Podcast)
- Interview with Mike Mearls (Podcast)
- Mike Mearls panel: “Everything you want to know about 4th Edition
- Reiner Knizia panel: “Creation of a Successful Game”
- Wrap-up and swag
If you have any questions or want me to find/review something specifically, leave a comment here and I’ll do my best.
Maybe you’ll be super awesome and just happen to find an extra copy of Wits & Wagers? 😀
Awesome that we have podcasts ::sniff sniff:: they grow up so fast!
Origins is happening as we speak.
Next year, come hell or high water… this I promise.
BeastMasterJ’s last post: Fuzzy Goes West: Now Firefox Friendly!
BeastMaster: What about Gen Con?