Continuing our usual public service for “Free _____ Days”, Free RPG Day is tomorrow. See if there’s any participating store near you, mentally rank the offerings, and head out on Saturday in search of free RPG goodness.
You may recall that I was fairly unhappy last year because of the restrictions placed on it by my not-so-friendly game store. This year, I plan on waking up early, hitting that same store first, then driving to the friendler but farther game store to grab at least one other freebie. I’ll also see if they’re running any quick demos of any of the products, maybe impulse buy something (which I shouldn’t do since I’m going to Origins next week), then head down to a one-shot.
For more Free RPG Day info, check out the latest OgreCave Audio Report.
See you in Columbus!
Trask, The Last Tyromancer
Trask’s last post: Gamer’s Book Report – Swordmage