Out with the old, in with the new!
Now, back to reading the Monster Manual with me…
Everything tabletop gaming since 2005
by Dave
Dave "The Game" Chalker is the Editor-in-Chief and Co-Founder of Critical Hits. Since 2005, he has been bringing readers game news and advice, as well as editing nearly everything published here. He is the designer of the Origins Award-winning Get Bit!, a freelance designer and developer, son of a science fiction author, and a Master of Arts. He lives in MD with e and at least three dogs.
Fucking Awesome!
The Chatty DMs last blog post..Playing 4e: Initial Thoughts
The first thing I looked at when I opened the new MM was whether those images were compatible enough to be overlaid…I know realize just how long I’ve been coming here…
Fucking awesome indeed…
Mwahaha, we have infected your brain!
Bartoneus did both the old ‘shop job and the new one, and was amazed at how easy they fit together in 4e. Like it was meant to happen.
Thanks for the props and compliments! I actually thought the 3rd Edition one was way easy too, they just seemed to merge together perfectly. The same for this one, but it’s a far more dynamic composition and that’s the big improvement.
Rev.Mike: The infection only gets worse from here…
I’m underwhelmed with the new edition at this point. I’ve read a lot of the PHB and played in a game. Lots of hype. Too much like a video game, too little like D&D.
Ah, Krog, you’re just bitter because I killed you off in my last 3.5 game 🙂
I’ll have to do my best to change your mind. When I play 4e, it feels like D&D all the way.
Gotta love umber-bulettes. The good thing about new books is all the new monster art. It’s always fun.
Yax’s last post: Summer is here! (summer 08 preview and the links)
4e seems to be feeling pretty meh to my players…probably cause we’re still working through Keep on the Shadowfell…I’m working to generate some excitement once I get my actual campaign going…
Looks like this has become an impromptu complain thread about 4E, so here goes:
I’ve been struggling a LOT with the basic character sheet. You can list all of your powers on the back, but then there’s no room to write what they do and the front only provides a short list for attacks and I still can’t fully figure out the usefulness of the Attack / Damage workspaces.
Am I missing something here? Hopefully D&DI releases a sheet creator that uses the power blocks from the PHB.
The character sheet folio is supposed to come with power cards, which should eliminate that problem. Once I get more toner for my printer, I’ll be making my own.
Yeah, if they don’t release downloadable power cards soon, I’ll be firing up Illustrator as well.
…or checking enworld. There’s probably some there.
Graham’s last post: Final thoughts after marathon 4e release day events
If someone had access to, say, a PDF version of the file used to print the PHB, it’d be relatively easy to open the file in Illustrator and extract the power blocks (though there’d be some font weirdness.)
Not that I would know or anything.
While true, I’m much more interested in blank ones, customizable with whatever powers you have, including homebrew.
Space for all the needed bits, of course. And sized to fit into a CCG sleeve, so you can write on it in wet-erase marker.
Graham’s last post: Final thoughts after marathon 4e release day events
Yeah, please use cards, Wizards wants that. They sell them.
In fact, please fork over tons of cash for new crap for the new crap game. Wizards will love it.
4E: Crappy game, poor design, obviously tired copy of Warcraft in lots of ways, struggling to come up with something new, and then actually using crap like CARDS to track crap that won’t fit on a sheet?
Seriously, all the gamers out there who don’t see/understand what a sack of crap 4E is are the problem with the industry. Some people have NO standards when it comes to the shit they will buy, play, and slobber over endlessly. Seriously people, have some nuts and play a real ROLEPLAYING game, not a Diablo clone on paper.
Or maybe you’re the problem with the industry, endlessly ranting against a game you haven’t played, and calling it poor design without an understanding of what good game design is?
Ah, and here I was thinking I’d get through a day without arguing about 4e…
Wait, I’m confused, you can roleplay for real?
I’m pretty sure that’s called “multiple personality disorder”…
Also, lame new commenter is LAME…