I was taught in Project Management classes (I did 6 months of them) that it’s good practice and useful to go over a completed project and do what is called a Post-Mortem analysis.
Well my last D&D 3.5 campaign has been completed for more than 2 weeks and I thought, while I await for my new 4e Core Books, that now is a perfect time to do so.
I won’t get into the actual analysis tonight, but I’ll post the campaign’s Elevator Pitch and the highlights so that late readers can follow without reading the thousands and thousands of words I wrote on this game.
Campaign Elevator Pitch:
Four survivors of the Sphere-wars converge on Ptolus, teaming up with a local noble with a mysterious past. They are determined to end the threat of the Yugoloth Shadowlords who scheme over the destruction of this ravaged world.
The Sphere-Wars were alignment-based interplannar conflicts centered around our homegrown gameworld,. It was the focus of a previous campaign.
Campaign Highlights:
Four Characters were brought together, united in their fight against the Neutral Evil Fiends trying to take over the ravaged world. A fifth character, a super-human warrior escaped from a Prison world joined them in Ptolus.
Arc 1: Getting severely beaten by an incursion of Fiends, the characters retreated, regrouped, made new allies and vanquished the expeditionary force.
Arc 2: Investigating a new Drug appearing on the streets of Ptolus, the PCs uncover the existence of an alien entity that mutates humanoids into plant-like bipedal extension of it’s consciousnesses. Entity is vanquished, but not before it transforms a human Dragon Shaman into a 1/2 Dragon Barbarian!
Arc 3: PCs uncover a Xanathos Roulette plot to take over the world by the Neutral Evil Fiends, The Drow Spider Goddess and a Demon Prince. World is saved from absorption into the Abyss. However, it is being destroyed while the Great Planar Wheel collapses. It is saved by fusing with the Beastlands and linking with the Realm of Shadow, creating a tri-plannar world.
As a reference please find the combined links to my whole campaign:
The Adventure Prepping Posts
- Adventure Prep, Session 2
- Adventure Prep, Session 3: Adapting a published adventure
- Adventure Prep, Session 4: The Dynamic Dungeon Crawl
- Adventure Prep, Session 5: When Frustration leads to Inspiration
- Adventure Prep: Tomb Re-engineering 101
- Adventure Prep: When Fun and Logic collide…
- Adventure Prep: Finishing a Campaign Arc
- Adventure Prep: Of Planescaping and High Intensity Hacking, Part 1
- Adventure Prep: Of Planescaping and High Intensity Hacking, Part 2
- Adventure Prep: Strapping it all together to get it going good!
- Adventure Prep: When the end of an era draws near
- Adventure Prep: Icing on a planar cake
- Adventure Prep: Planning Ahead for the End
- Adventure Prep: My Rewind button
- Adventure Prep: Hide in Shadows
- Adventure Prep: Grand Finale, World Saved? Roll Credits!
The Campaign Log Posts
- DM Chronicles, Session 1: Harsh Beginnings
- DM Chronicles, Session 2: When Cool meets Satisfaction, (Part 1)
- DM Chronicles, Session 2: When Cool Meets Satisfaction (Part 2).
- DM Chronicles, Session 3: Of Pools and Crashes
- DM Chronicles, Session 4: The Storytellers’ Ball, part 1
- DM Chronicles, Session 4: The Storytellers’ Ball, part 2
- DM Chronicles, Session 5: Graveyard Shift, Part 1
- DM Chronicles, Session 5: Graveyard Shift, Part 2
- DM Chronicles, Session 6: Perfectly Paced Action Crunch! (Part 1)
- DM Chronicles, Session 6: Perfectly Paced Action Crunch! (Part 2)
- DM Chronicles, Session 7: Of Performing Crunch and Norming Fluff, Part 1
- DM Chronicles, Session 7: Of Performing Crunch and Norming Fluff, Part 2
- DM Chronicles, Session 8: Heroic Conclusions
- DM Chronicles, Session 9: Troubled re-beginnings
- DM Chronicles, Session 10: Oh My! Drows are squishy!
- Saying goodbye to a PC: Lillee’s letter to Cruguer.
- DM Chronicles, Session 11: When the stars are right. Planar Awesomeness! Part 1.
- DM Chronicles, Session 11: When the stars are right. Planar Awesomeness! Part 2.
- DM Chronicles, Session 11: When the stars are right, we get Planar Awesomeness! Part 3
- DM Chronicles, Session 12: The Great Game! Part 1
- DM Chronicles, Session 12: The Great Game! Part 2
- DM Chronicles, Session 13: Of Moons and Xanathos Railroads, Part 1
- DM Chronicles, Session 13: Of Moons and Xanathos Railroads, Part 2
- DM Chronicles, Session 14: You Wanted Planescape? You Got It!
- DM Chronicles 15: Weathering the Apocalyspe with your Poker Buddies
- DM Chronicles 16: Are we there yet?
- DM Chronicles 17: This is the end, Fiend
Up Next:
In the next post, I’ll review the big decisions that drove this campaign (and their consequences). Also, using my usual lists, I’ll go over what I feel my players liked and disliked most about the campaign. I’ll try to quiz them on it too. I’ll finish up with my campaign-wide lessons learned.
Listed like that, the amount of work that went into the campaign and into chronicling it seems staggering. But it might not be that bad:
Would you say that blogging about each session saved you time in the long run by helping you remember and focus on the important elements?
Yaxs last blog post..Are these DMs on fire? Why, yes, I believe they are.
Totally. It allowed me to evaluate the game after each session and act upon the things that needed to be addressed to make the game better.
For instance, we would not have had the awesome ending we did had I not realized that my lack of enthusiasm was leeching our fun away from the last part of the campaign… So I recharged myself for the Grand Finale and it worked like a charm.