Bob at dndreviews is having a bit of an identity crisis. Instead of wallowing in self-pity, he’s going to reward a talented domain-namer with a 4e book. (Gotta love contest season leading up to a new edition.)
Head over to the contest page for all the details and specifics. It’s quite simple: you pick a domain name based on his criteria. You check to see if it’s available. You post it. If he picks yours, you get your choice of one of the 4e core books (or an Amazon gift certificate if you’ve already preordered or are a 4e hater.) Plus you get the honor of having put your stamp on a great RPG resource.
Hurry up though, the contest ends on June 3rd.
I feel like this leaves things open for a lot of good domains being registered by a-holes who will then sell them to Bob. 🙁
@ Bart – LOL. There are so many good domains already submitted that it’d cost a fortune. If someone wants to go to tat trouble, I won’t stopy ’em, but I’m not going to buy it from them either.
No worries. There are plenty of options, and when I do pick mine I’ll register it in silence. If it’s taken, I’ll quietly pick my 2nd fave. The odds are in my favor.
Worst case? I go with a variation on my fave (i.e. “ vs
I do appreciate you looking out for me, though! Good form.
Heh, you joke about similar URLs, but we could tell many stories about that…