In the next few weeks, you’ll see a few changes in the Ad setup of the blog.
After meeting with fellow Quebec businessman Pierre of, we’ve agreed on trying a partnership for a while and see how it works out for each of us.
I’m really excited about this! ZeStuff is one cool Geek Online Store and it’s mere minutes from where I live. I just bough this coolest of Laptop bags and I’m already in love with it.
Here’s what you will see from this partnership:
- This blog will be linked to from ZeStuff’s website, replacing the Store Blog
- I’ll place a permanent banner to the online Store on the blog.
- I will make periodic reviews of RPG products and various Geek games
- We’ll try to set up an affiliate program where people can be referred to the store from here.
As a first step to this partnership, I have gotten to read the D&D 4e’s Adventure Keep on the Shadowfell and I will post a preview/review tonight!
Stay tuned!
While we’re at it, for those who haven’t secured a pre-order of the 4e core books, ZeStuff has them for 86,45$.
I’ll be offline all day, I’ll catch you later!
Woah woah woah. I’m not sure I like this new “Corporate” ChattyDM. I liked it better when it was underground and fresh. In case you couldn’t tell, that was sarcasm. I like zestuff.
You had me going for a minute there.
Pierre has been very clear that I keep doing my stuff as I always did.