Last monday, to wrap up our Unofficial Review Weekend, Dave’s poll asked which Nick Fury was the better Nick Fury, Sammy J or David Hasselhoff. An overwhelming majority of 76% thought that Samuel L. Jackson made a better Nick Fury, while 15% thought the Hoff was best (and more true to the original comic Fury), with 8% left over preferring someone different entirely. Who else you could want to play Nick Fury, I honestly don’t know!
This week Dave and I are starting to get into full swing with planning our upcoming 4th Edition games, the reason we’re both planning (and working on things together) is because we’ve somehow ended up with at least 12 interested players in our area! We’re all pretty hyped since Dave’s current game has been going for several months now, and would easily continue full steam if he hadn’t said that it would end by the time 4th Ed. is released. I think the game will end on a great note, and hopefully pump us all up for the coming games.
All of this new planning made us start to wonder, how many people out there are dedicated DM’s (or GM’s), how many people stick to just being a player, and how many like to play both sides of the screen?
[poll id=”78″]
Now the second season premiere of American Gladiators is on, so I’m going to go enjoy that!
Mostly a player, but I’ve DM’d a campaign or two…and I’ll be leading the charge into 4e for my party…
I can’t stand being a player… I try every so often (like next Sunday) but I’m really not built for it.
Both, though I self-identify as more of a GM. Playing is a bit harder than running a game.
Hm, I’m very intrigued by the idea that playing is actually -harder- than DMing. I love playing both sides, but enjoy very different aspects of each which is one of the reasons I like D&D so much!
I tend to be my group’s primary DM and rarely get to play. When I do, I find that I’m out of practice, but then the adventures I get to be a player on are always short and I get back to my safe place behind the screen.
I think it’s kind of fun to play plot devices for a DM, so you get a bit of insight into what is going to happen and also get to shape the game from a different perspective.
I thoroughly enjoy both, but really need to have enough time to properly DM.
@joshxorfz: Including PCs in on certain parts of the act can be fun. Some of the best things are to have the hidden traitor, the character with a dark history, etc. Especially effective when you go against type and have a traditionally goody-two shoes player execute a shocking heel turn…
:: looks at other player’s character sheet ::
So you’re an assassin…
The last d20 campaign…I was really a robot, the doctor was really a parasite that was manipulating a human, our scout was just a hapless human from a time of lesser technologies, and the last was an incompetent sort who insisted on progressing in Mech-related classes, even though most of our adventures were stealth missions inside buildings, or going bug hunting inside caves…making mech use much less doable…
We were all surprised when our employer turned out to be on the other side of the war we were fighting…and we all joined up, thinking it’d be the best thing to do…
The mech pilot doesn’t know about this yet though…we’ll spring it on him later…