May the Fourth be with you!
Some random amusement on this holiday:
- Admiral Ackbar Cereal
- Star Lords (it really kicks in around 2:41)
- Expendable Sith
- In 5 Seconds: Ep 4, 5, 6, 1, 2, 3
- Gangsta Rap (Special Edition)
- Star Wars-style Holograms in real life (third one down)
- Smartass Vader
- Shortened Version
- Silent Film Version
- The Emperor gets a new job
- Special Mailboxes
- Ryan vs. Dorkman 2
- Public Service Announcements
- Sweded
- For the Love of the Film
- Two Lightsaber Humor Videos
- Lost Tales from the Dagobah System
- Best Games
- Musical
- Life Day
- Leia’s Birthday Party
- It’s a Trap, Benny Hill Style
- Opening Credits, Saul Bass Style
- R2-D2 Movie Projector
All that, and you missed The Sith Rejects?
I’m sure I missed many, I was mainly showing all the ones I’ve showcased before on CH. But feel free to keep suggesting new ones!
LOL to Darth Cognito!
There’s the Star Wars Ewok Gospel commemorating 25 years since Return Of The Jedi.
Any video with Billy-Dee gets the thumbs up!
Billy Dee – Awesome!