If you’re a fan of Assassin’s Creed or Metal Gear Solid, this one’s for you.
About Dave
Dave "The Game" Chalker is the Editor-in-Chief and Co-Founder of Critical Hits. Since 2005, he has been bringing readers game news and advice, as well as editing nearly everything published here. He is the designer of the Origins Award-winning Get Bit!, a freelance designer and developer, son of a science fiction author, and a Master of Arts. He lives in MD with e and at least three dogs.
Does anyone know, is that actual in game footage from Metal Gear 4? Obviously the Altair stuff is editted, but the gameplay looks fantastic! Plus those walker things are definitely making cow noises…
I watched the preview for the game awhile ago, and yes, they make cow noises the whole time.. and bleed when they get shot.
It looks like that part is opening sequence to the metal gear game, at least from the videos Ive watched it fits.