Obviously, I don’t give a crap about Celebrity Gossip and Canadian Politics (as should be evidenced by my difficulty writing about it.) Nor are we filthy rich, especially not as a result of the site. (Though we did get a new advertiser today… coincidence?)
In the midst of all the brilliant gags posted by Wizards, they also posted a new cartoon that interviews a Mindflayer. It continues from the previous two cartoons (and I recommend watching them first for full hilarity value) and it’s the funniest one yet.
Also, if you missed the fourth edition character sheet from yesterday… well, pick your alignment and roll your Rappin’ skill!
(As an aside, I was rick rolled THREE TIMES yesterday. And I only learned what rick-rolling was last week.)
Rawr! I’m a monster!
Too bad gnomes don’t get claw attacks…
Of all the spoofs WotC pulled, the character sheet was the one that fooled me. I didn’t get it was a joke until I saw 3 “half” slots for race.
They suck.. locked the mindflayer vid behind their sign in… bah!
comeone youtube tuesday!
steve –
Kameron: The alignment section being a choice between autobot or decepticon didn’t raise a red flag?
Why should it Bart…. I mean what more do you need for an alignment? I though it was a great 4e change…
… Plus Hasbro needs to optimize the exposition of it’s toy line… I mean Mr. Potato Head as the character’s model is pure genius since he can be anyone you wish him to be (provided you buy the right accessory…. just like D&D!)
I dunno, Phil. I like the 3.5e errata alignment.
Teh Win, Thanks.
oh and Graham..
That would make it… Super Hitman?! awsome!
or Super Batler… not as good but still fun to say
I don’t think I’d gotten that far yet (reading left to right, top to bottom). The V. 4._ raised an eyebrow, but I figured they were just planning ahead. ๐
So Class Title (a throwback to old editions, 1e I think), Raid, and Victory Poits didn’t click? ๐
Honestly, when I opened it up, the first thing my eyes gravitated to was Initiative (R/P/S).
The leetness quotient tipped me off pretty quick…although the Lewts section seems to be a good idear anyhows…
My favourite (as an engineer) has to be the Differential AC.
So what I’m hearing is that the Autobot vs. Decepticon Logo system for alignment is not only acceptable, it’s desirable?
I kind of like it…Detect Alignment might become one of the most important spells in the game.