Obviously, if Chatty has found a new source of income, we can too. For that reason, we’ve decided to change our coverage a bit here in order to deliver the news that you have been requesting for a long time. Besides, as of today, this industry just isn’t the same. ENWorld now exclusively covers OD&D. The final book of A Song of Fire & Ice is going to be just 87 pages. World of Warcraft is introducing the Bard, most hated of all classes. (Man, WoW is just D&D.) They announced some other stuff too.
And speaking of D&D, WotC has once and for all driven me off as a 4e customer. Gnomes as Robots? This totally screws over my character concept. The changes to D&D Minis are absurd. The errata for 3.5 (which I have to use in my game!) makes no sense. No amount of promotion will save you now, WotC!
Anyway, this is not the game industry I fell in love with. So now I can devote my full attention to my real loves: Canadian Politics and Celebrity Gossip. Below you’ll find a sample of what’s to come, and you should find that the rest of the site will slowly convert to the new style. (Maybe Google can help with that.)
Who does Liberal Leader Stephane Dion think he is, shuffling around the cabinet to move Denis Coderre to anti-censorship? That won’t help in the case against Bill C-10. And the whole thing distracts from the important fight against the immigration bill snuck in before the Easter break by the Tory minority! These continued partisan politics are tearing that country apart.
Woot, I’m so onboard!
Head almost exploded…
Glad to hear you guys are with the new coverage. Either of you know what’s up with Britney Spears today?
She probably got pregnant again, gained 12 pounds, lost 20, drove her car around her lawyer’s children’s school, married, divorced and partied in 4 different cities.
You’re good! You’re missing your calling: “Musings of the Chatty Celeb Watcher”
Yeah, I’m pretty sure that’s just a lucky guess. I mean, she does that every other week. Chatty had about a 99% chance of being right.
(The other 1% chance: she checked into and out of rehab.)
What I want to know is will the Canadian Bacon lobby finally force, through NAFTA, the adoption of the USB (Unified Standards for Bacon) across North America…. because we all know that what you neighbors call Bacon is actually just Pork Skin and fat…
Guys, Brit has real problems and they shouldn’t be mocked, we have to be sympathetic and try to provide support as she goes through these rough times in life.
Was that a leave Britney Alone cry?
Leave Britney Alone? You mean like this guy?
Please, people, let’s get back on track.
Will Lindsay Lohan give her support to a Bacon amendment?
I hate Tories and their love of the crown! Booooo monarchists!
Lindsay Lohan could use a few more pounds herself.. so definitively she’d support it…
I’m sure I can find photos of her with a face full of bacon crumbs…
TME – wrong country’s Tories, unfortunately.
I need not do any research on America Junior to comment on their contemporary politics.
Oooo…. now them’s fighting words.