I’m initiating the upgrade to the new version of WordPress, which is supposed to be a pretty radical change. So prepare for possible weirdness and brokeness.
Upgrade complete. I ran into a few snafus (so there are still some things not working) but oddly none of them had to do with upgrading WordPress. The new admin interface is pretty spiffy, I have to admit, but is going to take some getting used to!
I wasn’t prompted to update by my Dashboard… hmmm….
It’s only beta right now, Chatty. You wouldn’t be.
What Poll plugin do you use? 🙂
Graham: Just had a full release this morning. I had blown off the two previous security upgrades, so I was eager to be an early adopter this time 🙂
GDG: WP-Polls. We tried a bunch of different ones back when the site was younger, and it’s by far the best one we’ve found.
I upgraded this afternoon… I like it… the media library is exactly what I needed!