I’m taking it cool today, Gym was tiring, and while I am working on a Robin Laws post, I realized that I need to spend a little bit more time reading up on stuff to do a good post on it.
Plus, I got a paper cut on my ring finger today and it makes typing painful and slow! Stupid job with too much paper! Woe is me… 🙂
However, let me point you toward a interesting things I recently found about.
First up is Geek’s Dream Girl, a blog that offers Geeky dating advice and talks about e’s (that’s her online persona) recent introduction to D&D. She invited me over to participate in her next edition of her Blog Carnival. What a cool concept: you ask bloggers to choose their own posts to be featured on your blog!
Next up is my friend’s Yax recent call for DM tips over on his blog in exchange for a chance to win his Comp copy of D&D’s Exemplar of Evil. He got a whooping 160 comments on that post (!!!) . So instead of being a jealous jerk, I’m inviting to go over there and read all the gems Yax’ readers posted.
Finally, there’s a new ‘kid’ in the DM blogging town who just opened his blog. His name is Rip and he was somewhat forced into it by Tommi and I after he posted a great long article about making interesting villains over in my forums. RipperX, a long time D&D 2e Storyteller, and recent commented here took his courage in both hands and made the leap. You can find his new blog, called Advanced Gaming and Theory, here. His Villain post can be found here.
Oh and the Evil DM is trying to stick it to the Google man by trying to rack up 100$ in Ad money. He’s rewarding the clickers with some gratuitous Cheesecake pictures (Note to non-English speaker: it’s an euphemism for ‘partially undressed ladies’) .
There you go Ripper, your 1st link! That should give you your 1st Technorati authority level in a few days! Good luck mate!
All right, I have almost no prep to do this week, but I have to do some serious Ret-Coning to fix last game’s horrendous plot exposition. I’ll talk to you later this week but chances are I’ll skip the Adventure Prep post if I don’t have anything relevant to say about it .
Hey! Thanks for the link, not to mention all the help you’ve been in the last few days. Don’t think that this will get you off from me still reading this blog daily.
I wouldn’t want it otherwise!
Good luck man!
Thanks for the link, Chatty. And thanks for letting us know about Ripper.