Last week’s poll was quite informative and surprising! First, I learned that no one under the age of 16 reads our site, so I can swear more! Hell damn fart! Secondly, the bulk of our audience is between 31 and 40 weighing at 40%, with 20-25 at 24%, 26-30 at 21%, over 41 at 9%, and 16-19 at 7%. Finally, I learned that Bartoneus wants me to feel old by placing my age as the cutoff between two categories.
Speaking of which, he and his wife Sucilaria moved into a new house recently and celebrated in a typically geeky way: by holding a multi-room Xbox party, with several of us bringing our 360’s and TV’s and networking them together. It also served as an impromptu gathering of Critical-Hits staff members. Myself, Bartoneus, Sucilaria, joshx0rfz, drscotto, Sion, DarthCthulhu, and steve/The Foodist were all in attendance, along with frequent commentors Abe (who I had never met in person) and Blumpkin.
A sweet projector/sound system setup made for a near ideal way to rock out in Rock Band, and we used the projector plus the Wii to hold an improptu “Worst Smash Brothers Player” tournament.
However, the star of the day was Halo 3, which was built for these kinds of gatherings, and offered a number of different gameplay modes. (Unfortunately, my disk got damaged in the shuffle, so I won’t be playing for a while!) From there, we quickly settled on the Infection mode of multiplayer as our favorite. I mean, obviously Zombies + Halo = Win, but it was a blast to have everyone start on the same team as a trained military unit… and then have the zombies overrun them and plans fall apart. Bartoneus in particular was faced with a common zombie movie dilemma as we once stood back to back, but then I was taken out by a vent-leaping joshx0rfz. Then Bart had to face me in zombie form, and couldn’t bear to kill his former friend… until a turret did it for him. Of course, his survival was short lived, as he soon stood alone against the ravening hordes coming after him. He tried in vain to shoot himself in the head before the zombies got him, but that’s impossible to do in Halo, and he was all out of grenades… then it was over.
In the spirit of that, I ask a very important question whose answer could come in handy some day!
[poll id=”71″]
Now if you’ll excuse me… braaaaaiiiiinnnnsssss…
my initial response would be to “gigity someones got to repopulate the human race baby gigity” but I think shooting dead husks of former friends/lovers/and enemies would be much more enjoyable…
…I wonder if there would be a Zombie Season, and would you need a permit?
See, I would grab my right wing nut guns… but I’d also get a horse and head to the woods to wait things out… provided that animals don’t become zombies. Damn you and your imprecise question!
The D&D group and I have already determined the most intelligent course of action in the event of a zombie attack would be to head for our good friend Greg’s and defend said location whilst playing D&D…we choose Greg’s not just for it’s familiar layout, stockpile of weapons ranging from various Japanese swords to an small arsenal of shotguns, rifles and pistols, seemingly infinite stockpile of pop-tarts, raman, jimmy dean sausage-egg sammiches and mountain dew…but because he’s got this beautiful xbox 360/wii set-up with a 47-inch plasma that serves as his comp monitor most of the time…
Also, Greg’s a cool dude…
The poll answer CLEARLY says that you’d use the weapon to start killing, so if hiding is your intention, vote for the hiding one, and if getting to the front lines and hacking at zombies is your intention, vote for that one.
How’d you ever get into law school with such poor reading skills? 😛
Lawyers don’t need reading skills…they just need an irritatingly large vocabulary and a lung capacity rivaling that of an elephant scuba diver to speak for long periods of time and put me to sleep at the camera…that last part may just be professors…but still…
Scotto’s girlish scream and panicked shotgun fire as I flew up the vent was priceless. Organized resistance shattered!
I had to vote accordingly to my gameplay:
“Shit, we’re dead, RUN!”
My Alternate Brilliant Plans:
1. Make my “Turn Undead Check”
2. Failing that, I turn evil and make a “Rebuke Undead Check”
3. If those two plans fail I build myself a Phylactery and turn myself into a lich. Lets see them lowly zombies deal with a greater-undead threat!
Ha! How’d I forget about the old “learn to channel positive or negative energy suddenly” tactic?
I knew this charisma bonus would come in handy sometime!
Of course the chainsaw/boomstick combo usually helps too!
I see that screen shot and think “Toasty!”.
Stay hidden without securing my arsenal and stealing a horse? Perish the thought!
ps- I will never get sick of that song.
pss- It was fun hearing everyone say “Stay together, and we got this” over and over.. but at the first sign of zombie… screams of panic and fleeing… classic
Killing the zombies would likely only attract more zombies.
Running…where are you running to, exactly? If it is a localized zombie attack then running is the best option. But if it is a more regional or global zombie attack then running is pointless.
Finding a cure is impossible unless you have super-smart / mad scientist like skillz.
Repopulate the human race is something you do AFTER the zombie attack. Obviously, once the attack is over, everyone does that. But during the attack, trying to start the re-populating early is only going to get you killed.
Better to hide and wait until the zombies have starved (run out of brains to eat). It might be the most boring but it’s clearly the best option.
Well, being in a large populated centre called London, obviously my first thought is to get clear of what should be the highest infestation. then its a matter of hunkering down, resource management, and organized defense. Yes, I must admit I do have a contingency plan for damn near any disaster. The paranoid boy scout is always prepared.
Oh unless i’m just supposed to put my nuts all up on the table here. I mean. “THROUGH THE ROOM WITH A LAWNMOWER!”
According to some movies I saw, London is pretty much fucked if there’s a zombie outbreak. But then again, according to this other movie I saw, it’s hilarious when zombies show up in London.
It’s hilarious when anything happens to brits.
Well, maybe not anything. World War 2 for instance.
Though if you take video of the allied forces attacking, speed it up and put it to Benny Hill music…
Okay, you’re right. Anything. 😀
Stop sayin the Z’ed word!
Ok… If you have ever read Max Brooks Zombie Survival guide, you’d know that finding a good spot high up, well fortified and able to access Food and Water is a MUST! But try and avoid places that are usually packed with people… for they will now be packed with zombies. So… Seattle Space Needle. Or the CN tower in Toronto (Remember SARS?). Europe, easy, any castle or fort.
So… ummmmm… yeah! Be good, keep your head down, find a place with a normally scarce human population, Procreate and have lots of Food, Water and Ammo to last for a long while. Max Brooks would be proud. ^^