Here’s a new comic with my favorite Green Spawn of Chaos!
As usual, click thumbnail.
This time I’ve officially teamed up with PM who contributed to the writing and the Photoshoping. He deserves his share of the credit and here it is. I think we’re on to something here and we already have brainstormed a few gags, so chances are, this comic thing will become a team effort.
I ‘m really growing fond of Kermit here and this, as any Troper will tell you, is a sign that I need to step away from it before I Flanderize it. I don’t want to burn the potential for that character just yet.
As always, thanks for reading!
There’s nothing wrong with Flanderization. It’s bad if you want to have deep characters, but not everyone needs to be deep.
The Simpsons do this with almost every character, no just Flanders. Comic Book Guy (nerd), Waylan Smithers (gay), Dr. Nick (quack), Lionel Hutz (incompetent), etc.
Nobody there is deep, but they can all be funny.
It can become bad when the character becomes so one dimensional that it becomes a cliché of itself. Like Pheobe in Friends and late seasons Ned Flanders.
The thing about the Simpson is that in some of the early seasons, the characters were deeper… Comic Book guy is actually a great critic of the show itself.
Deep and funny aren’t exclusive.
For instance, my initial Punchline was something like ‘oh yeah, she really wants me’ which might have been funny but was a bit too predictable seeing how K. as already been casted has a sleazy lounge lizard.
Enh, the key really is write what you feel compelled to write (even if it’s the endless adventures of the horny green Slaad) then if you want to produce quality, edit edit edit and be willing to shelve ideas.
I think you may be too harsh on yourself if you’re worrying about Flanderizing a character after 5 strips 🙂
Man, I read the webcomics tropes…. it’s all about the 110 and cerebus syndrome! Aghhh!
Nah you are right. What I said earlier this week applies to comic too. Fun fun fun for us…
Chances are, if we having fun making those, others will too when reading them.
Being too harsh on myself… story of my life! 🙂