I would like to apologize for our absence over the last few days, I have been busy with moving and working on our new house, while Dave is on a quick vacation to Florida. We’ve neglected you, and for that there will be many red-hot pokers, you can count on that!
I’ve been meaning to give some link-loving back to many of the people who so graciously link to us, and now seems like a great chance! Also a chance to share some of the things I spotted around the internet in the last few days.
ChattyDM always has great posts, and yesterday he lived up to expectations with his discussion about 4th Edition (which he’s been trying to avoid, but it calls to us all sooner or later…). Here is an excerpt:
In a nut shell, D&D 4e IS NOT going to be about Nostalgia and IS going to be about the Rule of Fun/Rule of Cool.
Kicking Nostalgia to the Curb
One of the design philosophy of D&D 4e is ‘We don’t have to keep something in the game just because it’s always been there’… to which I’ll add ‘… at least not in the three Core books’
See you even got some bonus links in there to the Rules of Fun and Cool, lucky you! Read them!
Yax over at DungeonMastering has posted the interview answers we got by asking his question, “What do you think about Red Dragons?”
Amber Night posted on Tuesday about Patrick Stewart’s comments involving Tolkien being a hack.
On the news front, Major Spoilers has some about the animated Star Wars Clone Wars movie, with the cutest yoda textures in the entire freaking world. He’s cute in that kind of way where he might turn bad-ass at any moment and spin-move your face right off! Head over there to read what Lucas said about the whole thing, and some bad news like the fact that the original cast won’t be doing the voice work.
Also on Tuesday, Mike Mearls posted one of the best D&D supplemental charts I’ve ever seen on his livejournal. It involves what a Kobold might do if it actually manages to defeat an adventurer.
Kobolds are poor, abused, misused, maltreated, underdogs. The poor little sods are so beaten down that their language lacks a word for victory. The closest they have roughly translates into Common as, “The lack of understanding and realization that we’re really, really going to lose again.”
It’s great, trust me. Also from Mr. Awesomest DM In the Universe-Mearls is the best photoshop since putting text on cat pictures. Woops, looks like somebody got their hands on a 4th Ed. PHB!
Thanks for stopping by and reading, Dave and I should be back in full-swing come Monday!
Thanks for the linky-love… I could blame you guys for getting me off the wagon 🙂
But 4e is the closest thing to RPG Pr0n right now… sooner or later you have to deal with it… 🙂