Last week, asking about your systems operation, 77% of you responded that you use Windows… somewhere. The Mighty Mac came in second with 29%, and Loquacious Linux running in third with 20%. There was one lone “Other” vote, which I’m hoping was something exciting like a robot running his own Asimov-based operating system who is able to mentally connect to wifi and see our site before his eyes and vote in polls by blinking. Or something.
Over the weekend, following an exciting session of D&D as part of GaryCon festivities, I found myself with a pile of work both from my office and from grad school, which meant I sought out other activities to avoid actually getting something done. I caught up a bit on my Netflix, picked up Justice League: New Frontier on DVD and watched that, and read an entire run of a webcomic sent to me by a friend. (Which then further lead me to read a few hundred of a classic webcomic.)
Then on Sunday, my brother and I headed over to GameStop with two used titles in hand to trade in towards Super Smash Brothers Brawl. (Final cost to us:$1.49, paid with a gift card.) I’ll need some more hands-on time with it to really be able to form a review, but it did manage to take up a few hours of procrastination time. So far, I’m really impressed with what they’ve done with the latest (and last?) installment of the franchise, with the main difficulty for me being the controls.
During the main adventure mode, you’re forced to use nearly all the characters, which meant I was sword-slashing with Link and busting heads with Pikachu, something that never happens for me in multi-player.
So that lead me to wonder:
[poll id=”69″]
While writing this poll I realized that playing this game with my brother must make us, indeed, Smash Brothers.
Falcon Bomb!
Good to see that the cheese-ball Link is getting all the love…bastards.
Samus FTW!
I can’t vote for more than one? If I could Captain Falcon would get + 1 vote.
What can I say, Im a sucker for women in Biosuits with arm cannons… kinky.
oh and before he can beat me to it..
Your mom loved my arm cannon Bartoneus.
count it, pack it, ship it
Samus bandwagon…. jumped on!
If there were an Other option I’d pick Metal Knight. Smash Brothers? I don’t know about that. 🙂
I know I will be the only person voting for Jigglypuff, but Darth Jigglypuff will own you all.
Bah…while Samus is mighty badass, I has to go with the male cosmonaut, Fox…also, a few points minused from Link in my book because Roll Goal drove me insane…
What about us people who have never played any Smash brothers game?
I may be evicted from this site after saying that.
Then you should not vote in the poll, and also, not be allowed to live.
Mostly the second part of that notion…since everyone knows Fox is the best anyway…
I can’t believe I’m the only one who likes Luigi best.
What about Yoshi, all the way down there with no love?
I still can’t believe Link is winning…bastard.
Yoshi hasn’t gotten any votes because Jeremy hasn’t voted yet. He’s the only person I know who likes Yoshi more than any other character.
I always liked my fluffball vs fluffball battles.
I’m also quite surprised by Kirby’s popularity vs. other characters, how often do you Kirby players use his power-stealing abilities?