Here’s my Webcomic tribute to a great man. As usual, click on the thumbnail (and possibly once again on the picture) to get the sharpest image.
It’s funny how many memories one can keep of this game.
All stories you see in the comic truly happened and featured, my friends Nicolas (panel 1, gone to Sweden), JeeEff (panel 3 gone to Quebec City) and Math (panel 4, still around for more than 20 years). Thanks for the memories guys.
Also, note that all these monsters featured in the AD&D Monster Manual.
For the photo geeks out there, I use a Sony Cybershot 7.2 MegaPixel digital camera (it’s basically the family’s camera). PM made me discover the Macro photography setting on it so focusing is now easier. Also, until I get some descent lighting, I use the Camera’s low light, no flash ISO setting.
Have a nice weekend.
Thanks for remembering me 🙂
Sad for Gary.
Awesome tribute!
Nick: That was a great character and thanks for buying me the 3.0 PHB! That was one wicked good gift!
Scotticus: Thanks man, you’re officially dubbed the comic’s #1 fan!
I don’t know which I am more excited over, that a comic I enjoy has fan(s) or that I’m #1!
On a side note, I just watched Misery again the other day, so I guess since I’ll have to get out my sledge hammer and 4×4….
Just kidding! (Or am I?)
Chatty looks into cross-border restraining orders
There are a few fans… I’ll continue my griding for XP some more. 🙂
These were the good old times!!! I’missing you all dearly!!!
Just for old time sake: “CHARGE!!!!!!” (dwarf charging head first & DM starts laughing) CLANG!!! (a trap just opened), “Arrgh!!! No!!!!!! Not another Rust Monster!!!!!!!”
from a Famous Bald Dwarf buried under 16 foot of snow!
Hey Jee!!!! Thanks for dropping by! We miss you man!
My pleasure!
“Innkeeper!!! Innkeeper!!! (very impatient tone) Do I need to split this keg open to get a pint of ale in this Inn??? What type of place are you keeping, a tea house (laughting very loudly and very proud of his insult…)?? Don’t make me go and smack you on the head with my famous Dwarven Waraxe!!!
(reaction roll and now yelling) WHAT’S THAT SMELL??? ORCS!!!! ONLY 5 OF YOU??? HARDLY A FAIR FIGHT!!! INKEEPER MAKE SURE MY ALE STAYS WARM!!! CHARGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!